Why is a Strike Quite Possible?

Sixth Punch Sense

Well-Known Member
What is this work-rule compromise that they want? I keep hearing this and have no idea what they are talking about.
We should probably have a sticky on what is known and not known on both sides. Going throughthe posts on this site by management and IE it seems the company mainly wants flexibility in the hours and days employees work. They also, shockingly don't want to raise pay rate's exorbitantly. Think $1.50 raise per year for drivers. PT's are probably in a different boat since their pay rate is below market rate.

According to Dragon(scratch Dragon he's a center manager. I can't remember the IE posters name), they also want to get rid of the 22.4's. Because it's easier to manage one class of driver.

Still think the Juneteenth and MLK paid days off are going to happen. Because of politics. Think we give something up to get them, when I feel like the company was already planning to do it for PR
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Pullman Brown

Well-Known Member
We should probably have a sticky on what is known and not known on both sides. Going throughthe posts on this site by management and IE it seems the company mainly wants flexibility in the hours and days employees work. They also, shockingly don't want to raise pay rate's exorbitantly. Think $1.50 raise per year for drivers. PT's are probably in a different boat since their pay rate is below market rate.

According to Dragon, they also want to get rid of the 22.4's. Because it's easier to manage one class of driver.

Still think the Juneteenth and MLK paid days off are going to happen. Because of politics. Think we give something up to get them, when I feel like the company was already planning to do it for PR

I just don’t see the members voting yes on non-consecutive days off or the Union even bringing it to a vote.

Sixth Punch Sense

Well-Known Member
Of course flexibility doesn't just mean non consecutive days, They could want 4 10's, or Tuesday-Satuday shifts with Sunday-Thursday shifts. Or staggered start times


Well-Known Member
Non consecutive days off is ludicrous. That can never happen. If the company truly is asking for that, they just want to make employees lives as miserable as possible. There’s no other reasoning to want us to have non consecutive days off. The union cannot allow that.


Well-Known Member
I have enough seniority in feeders to never have to work a schedule that isn’t Monday-Friday thankfully. By my choice that is the only schedule I work. Feeders is a seven day operation. There are T-S, Monday-Friday, S-T. Non consecutive days off, uhhhhh no. They expect me to go backwards and have things get worse for me as I’m here longer. Go friend yourself.