Why is an 8 hr request not really 8 hours?


Browncafe Steward
lets just say I want my cake and to eat it too!!!!!! 8 or 8 1/2 *** its not a big difference is it?
Tell that to your son when your a half hour late and he lead off the game with a double, or helped turn his first double play. Or when you are a half hour late to your daughter and daddy dance, I'm sure she will understand!


Man of Great Wisdom
Tell that to your son when your a half hour late and he lead off the game with a double, or helped turn his first double play. Or when you are a half hour late to your daughter and daddy dance, I'm sure she will understand!

When they turn 16 use the accumulated O/T to buy them a car. They will get over it.:greedy:


lets just say I want my cake and to eat it too!!!!!! 8 or 8 1/2 *** its not a big difference is it?

Say that same exact thing to a supervisor when they say "YOU ARE OVER BY 1 HOUR" ....hey, 9 and 10, not a big difference is it?

Talk about having your cake and eating it!


To clarify:

8-hour requests only apply to package car drivers.

They get up to two 8-hour days per month, but none in November and December.

2 hours straight-time penalty pay is only due if driver works over 8.5 hours.

UPS can approve an 8 hour day and later cancel it at any time and just pay a two hour penalty pay.

Drivers must ask in writing five days in advance, be willing to start early, and be willing to finish the route no matter what if it comes to that.

If the driver goes over 8.5 hours, he only gets the two hours penalty pay if it is UPS' fault. No penalty pay is due if it is thought to be the driver's fault or if it is the fault of circumstances beyond UPS' control.

As Hoaxter might say, it's not an 8-hour guarantee, it's just a guideline.


Well-Known Member
OMG you are guaranteed 8 hours its called a margin for error ... if a exact 8 is so important take a sick day!!!! thank God we are workin . bitch, bitch bitch some people just require it.Half full not half empty thank you
I take advantage of our two 8hr request days, because the rest of the month its nothing but work, work and work.

They violated my request and so I filed. I have two hours of pay coming. The center manager did not even have an issue with it. He knows they screwed up
More and more drivers are filing for being over 9.50. Even more are requesting their 8hr days. This is the only way to get the company to put out more routes, so drivers can get home at a decent hour.

This compnay does not tolerate errors from drivers and we shouldn't tolerate theirs. You sound like you have never had a concern with UPS. Are you management? If you are not, then what your saying is that it's ok for UPS to violate the contract.


Well-Known Member
30 minutes is the time it takes to get home. Thats thirty more minutes of my time. When I am on my deathbed I almost positive I will not look back and say.....geee I wished I worked more!


Well-Known Member
Another give back by the Union. Work 8 hours and 31 minutes and then file for the double time. Work 8 hours to 8 hours and 30 minutes and no recourse.

I think a 10-15 minute window would be more than fair.

If we are even one minute late on airs, SSI accounts, reporting to work we are held accountable but the company can screw up by 30 minutes and it ok fine.

Double standard as usual.


former monkey slave
So Feederdriver; What your saying is UPS should dispatch a 7.5 hour day and not honor the 8.0 hr quarantee?
No ....what I'm saying is if an employee request an 8 hour day he wants an 8 hour day. If the management brain trust can't get it right in dispatching 8 hours(which due to variables that are beyond anyones control is almost never going to work out-this is why I said 7.5 hours) and figure they will go over because its their "margin of error" and the employee will just suck it up than they need to dispatch under so they wont go over. An employee requests 8 hours for a reason. Anyone would tell you that if they need to work an 8 hour day because they have something to do after work an 8.5 hour day wont cut it. But lighter than 8 hours would cut it. If the package driver gets back and its only 7 hours and 45 minutes then he does what we do at feeders to get our 8 hours....you wait by the timeclock for 15 minutes and punch out. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where I'm coming from and getting at. All I can say is that I'm glad I work for feeders because if I still worked in a center and had to play these disgraceful games I would have already beaten the living S out of someone by now.:biting::angry-very2::angry:FACT


Browncafe Steward
OK Lets say you work 801 what should be done then?
I don't know a steward that would file that grievance for being 1 minute over. We are expected at work on time every day, yet we cannot ask for the same consideration twice a month?