Why is FZ, REALLY so angry ?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Does high roller mean the same as big pimpin' for the 2000's kids or Mack daddy for us that grew up in the late 80's, or maybe gigolo from monkey butts era of the 40's..
Not exactly. Just my way of saying to do as you please and as big as you want.

Gimme Danger

Well-Known Member
And like I said, he was talking about 3 compulsive liars that lied to procure official positions and now constantly sell out members to the companies they work for. Sorry bunch of a holes.
However you want to spin your old campaign video that you were so proud of. O clearly said that members would be punished for voting against his good friend JB.

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
However you want to spin your old campaign video that you were so proud of. O clearly said that members would be punished for voting against his good friend JB.
Actually that's not what was said at all! Once again you lie. Always lying. Focus on getting members nothing, you seem to be good at that.

what are your animals ... Please don't say 4 cats!!!
Two dogs two cats. All rescues. We've had up to six but some were rescued late in there life and they die earlier. Two cats one with oral cancer. We knew she only had a year tops. Another was underdeveloped with bad kidneys. Both passed within two years. My whole fr and daughter volunteer at the APL and we are all very big animal and animal rights activists. I'd post a picture of my best friend of the bunch Bianca a pit mix who was rescued from being what is called a bait dog but my picture privlages have been revoked here.
I knew getting full time was gonna take a while but the ride would a lot more manageable if it didn't take a decade for the wage alone to get there. I'm pushing the late end of mid 20's.
You should have started earlier. I was in high school when I started. I also worked full time as a garbage man meat cutter central freight casual dock worker and wonder bread driver all union jobs. A lot of hours but I'm a man and men have to do work to make a way for themselves.