There's a difference between conservatives and Republicans. One can be a Republican, and not be a conservative. There's a conservative caucus in Congress that cares very much about the things you claim they don't. And they are in the minority. But generally yes Republicans are pro-business. And guess why Democrats crossed party lines to vote Republican? Because in Rust Belt States Obama did little to improve their chances with new job creation. Hillary talked openly about killing jobs traditional to the area. They turned to Trump because he said he'd bring jobs back, factories back. Some on here will scream that he's not doing it, it was all B.S.!! OK, but he was the one saying it, not Hillary. People vote with their pocketbook. That's politics 101. Can say all day that conservatives are this, they aren't that. Look how many state legislatures went Republican during Obama's time. How many governorships. The Federal government controlled by Republicans. People don't want economic theories. They want real results. And with this much power the Republicans better deliver. They sure didn't during the 2000's, and it's starting to look like they're a bunch of deer caught in the headlights.
No offense but you aren't really responding to my points.
It is my contention that this bs about the left means nothing to republicans/conservatives in terms of policies.
As I pointed out conservatives/republicans have zero problems, with Trump's many, many "left" positions.
For conservatives/republicans the economy is irrelevant in their decisions. Again it is a meaningless talking point. The economy was fantastic, we had a budget surplus under Bill Clinton and conservatives/republicans hated him because he was immoral, which is now proven as yet another lie as conservatives embrace Trump's immorality.
What they care about is who. As in do they believe this person is one of them and represents them.
Do they believe this person is going to hurt the Americans they don't like. For conservative voters that's all that matters.
Most republican/conservatives voters don't care about tax cuts for the rich or corporate tax cuts for huge corporations or repealing the estate tax or increasing military spending, etc. most conservatives and republicans don't care about most of the actual republican legislative agenda.
It is meaningless to them.
That's why they are fully supporting Trump a man who clearly doesn't believe anything either.
What Trump did show them is that he hates the same people they hate and he isn't afraid to say that stuff out loud. That's the connection.
Trump has been famous since I was a kid. I remember seeing him on a tv show called the lifestyles of the rich and famous back in the 1980's.
In all that time in the spot light, Trump has never been known or cited as helping anyone. No one comes forward and says oh Trump is so generous and so helpful. So this lie that people believed trump was going to help them and American workers
What they believed is that Trump and republican policies will target, exclude, hurt those other Americans they perceive as the real problem.
The rest is just a mirage. Outside of the plutocratic economic policies, elected conservatives don't actually believe any of the things they pretend to care about and their support for Trump proves this.