Heavy Package
Well-Known Member
Please just pass the damn supplement. I want my back pay and it is now 6 months overdue.
This is what the package drivers wanted. The new language is going to make the RPCD classification a low hour job. The union will tell you “if you want OT then go to 22.4 or feeders”!Local 243's supplement/rider is one of the supplements that has not been ratified or issued for another vote.
UPS mgmt. has been under-dispatching drivers on Mondays. And not by 10 minutes or so...….Under-Dispatching by at least an hour.
So; what's the problem? inquiring minds want to know; while; the minds in the know... know.
It appears to be a another potential NLRB violation.
UPS and the union have repeatedly informed RPCD's (current package car drivers) that staffing would remain about the same if/when 22.4s come in. UPS and the Hoffa team have no reason to believe that to be true.
So; in order to attempt to stick to that Hoffa/UPS bargaining provided info; and since the model for 22.4s is essentially in place in every center now, that being; that most, if not all centers are utilizing T-S drivers; UPS appears to be misleading current low seniority drivers into believing that the driver staffing levels on Mondays will remain consistent. UPS is inflating/padding the number of drivers working Mondays. (unless UPS keeps these under-dispatched staffing levels in place after ratification)
UPS is working low seniority drivers on Mondays in a feeble attempt to lull these drivers into voting Yes on the 243 and possibly other yet to be ratified supplements.
Since when has UPS ever had 20% or more of a center under dispatched by more than an hour? 2 drivers working 12 hours has always been the MO as opposed to 3 working 8 hours. So something is rotten here.
What's worse is that UPS has been stealing time from numerous drivers by changing those drivers' Code 06 (guaranteed 8 hour paid day) to a Code 05 (actual hour paid day) without notifying the affected drivers.
And; Now the drivers and our very competent stewards are holding UPS to the 8 hour guaranteed paid day. UPS Mgmt has pushed back. Many package car drivers fear retaliation from UPS will be forthcoming. UPS has a history of retaliation; especially in the Central Region.
Drivers are discharged for stealing small amounts of time from UPS (and UPS has the right to fire those drivers)…..so how does UPS get away with not being forthright and stealing time from Package Car Drivers?
Are other not yet ratified supplement members being forced to undergo the same, less than forthright and dishonest treatment?
I say let it go for the long haul! We can get a nice check.Please just pass the damn supplement. I want my back pay and it is now 6 months overdue.
The 243 Metro Detroit supplement will not be passed without major improvements and/or clarification. The other supplements that have been voted down have many of the same obvious issues that we have. There is a lot of communication going on between the concerned members of these locals.
Voting incompetent union officials out (Dallas, NY and others) has already occurred; But; that in and of itself will not fix this garbage forced thru CBA.
Other legal issues will correct the deficiencies of what Hoffa/Taylor have attempted to push thru.
The 243 Metro Detroit supplement will not be passed without major improvements and/or clarification. The other supplements that have been voted down have many of the same obvious issues that we have. There is a lot of communication going on between the concerned members of these locals.
Voting incompetent union officials out (Dallas, NY and others) has already occurred; But; that in and of itself will not fix this garbage forced thru CBA.
Other legal issues will correct the deficiencies of what Hoffa/Taylor have attempted to push thru.
This is not a Robert Muller investigation. It will not take years. The info will be out as soon Hoffa/Taylor declare the entire agreement ratified despite the votes of the membership.
So sad. Come on Hoffa/Taylor/243 and the other locals with outstanding supplements...……...FIX IT. thanks
@BigUnionGuy instead of this typical rhetoric you continue to embrace, why not tell us what specifically you don't agree with???Is your side job, some sort of legal litigation ?
Because, unless you are a practicing attorney.... this is pure TDU nonsense.
Is your side job, some sort of legal litigation ?
Because, unless you are a practicing attorney.... this is pure TDU nonsense.
@BigUnionGuy instead of this typical rhetoric you continue to embrace, why not tell us what specifically you don't agree with???
....because whether what @browned out is posting is "actual and factual", or not
they are coming off as more knowledgeable than you and your tired, broken, played out, nobody cares, you're TDU "nonsense".
Come on Pal, you're better than that!!!
No; I am not a practicing attorney
As I have stated over and over again. Redundantly. No Teamster wants to file charges against the Teamsters regarding these still, easily addressable duty of fair representation during contract negotiations issues.
If you could use some of your substantial Teamster influence to enlighten 243, and the other yet to be voted on supplement Locals; that would be fantastic.
I would have never guessed that.
Do you think, because a small minority of members don't get what they want
that's somehow.... a failure of DFR ? You can't be serious.
The voting members.... are the one's that will make a difference.