Why UPS drivers don't make left turns



Though I have yet to experience ORION, From all the stories I've read on here about it, I'm pretty sure this particular story is describing EDD, & not ORION.

Sent while chasing down unnecessary Dish Network call tags.


Well-Known Member
Why is making a left turn unsafe? We do it all the time. What a bunch of tools!
It's not just about safety, it's also about production. Personally, I would rather make smoother, faster turns to the right than sit there for minutes at a time waiting for two to four lanes of traffic to clear.


Bad Moon Risen'
Drove to my first stop today and as I'm exiting the package car the owner of the business is pulling in right beside me. He gets out and signs for the parcel and tells me I just made two left hand turns in a row. Told him he had a promising career as a supervisor at UPS if he so chose!