I would expect nothing more out of you.
What a self serving, entitled, brotherhoodless mindset.
I have no intention of ever becoming a feeder driver, but I am willing to strike if the feeders get a bad deal.
Same for every other group. There’s enough profit and business for all of us to get a fair deal in the contract. We are a brotherhood.
Unfortunately a few don’t seem to feel that way.
Well, as usual.....you misunderstand....I expect nothing more from you.....
My(our hours) suck too.....we work weekends....overnight....holidays too. Now. We've been getting a raw deal from the get go. Feeders is a 24 hour operation......
See......I've been in feeders 15 years and still work overnight. There aren't any day jobs.....unless you want CPS(pkg in a feeder).
I'v e payed my dues and will until I retire.
Don't lecture me about being selfish.
Don't like overtime and Sat/Sun?......don't come to feeders.
To top it off, I lost 25 years seniority to change classifications.
Don't lecture me boy.
I will NOT throw away our company for a pt'er that won't be there in 3 weeks.
Don't lecture me about "BAD DEALS".