Not if it was accidental. They would have to prove intent for it to workplace violence.That could be considered battery, and thus a workplace violence issue.
You beat me to it. Discharged without a steward present means you get your job back with backpay.Why would he probably get his job back? I did not hear anything about a Steward being involved. I did no hear for what reason he was asked to turn in his ID and walked out.
Call your BA now and tell him/her you expect your job and back pay.
Accidents happen. Even if it was not an accident, the company did not follow the contract according to my supplement.
Stop chewing in the building TODAY!
Spit on the belt? You are completely disgusting. Why not swallow it.I never signed anything. I was never given a warning letter. This was not a suspension it was a matter of me doing something incredibly dumb and ignorant and I caused a scene and the outbound sup was temporarily angry so he got me out of the building to defuse a bad situation I caused. I talked to the full time sup that walked me out today and he was laughing about it but said if I'm going to dip in the building do not use a spitter but spit on the belt or in a place where people won't walk in it.
Spit on the belt? You are completely disgusting. Why not swallow it.
Just call a union steward or your BA. Do it quickly. If I were a betting man you will be back pretty quick. I will say this though and don't take it the wrong way, it's prettySo today I was picking off like normal and when I pick off I usually have a big dip in. Today I was spitting my dip into a rather large water bottle and sitting it on the grating in the pickoff spot. My supervisor was talking to another employee underneath that grating and I accidentally kicked the spit bottle over and all the dip spit went on top of my supervisors head and down his shirt all the way to his shoes, he was covered. Needless to say, he was heated. He went and told the outbound sup what happened and the outbound sup went and got another employee who was capable of picking off and switched me and him out. He then asked for my building ID and walked me all the way out of the building. I've been at UPS for 6 years now and don't want to be fired. Will I get my job back?
Spit on the belt? You are completely disgusting. Why not swallow it.
I take it you have never tried to dip.
I tried it once. Swallowed just a little bit of the juice---puked my guts out.
........trying to be one of the boys?
I was at tech school in Rantoul, IL and, yes, I was trying to be one of the boys.
Have you reached that goal yet?
No---I simply set a much higher one.