Will my base car route be permanently dissolved in 2024?


Thanks for the reply but it's exactly the kind of reply that was unnecessary. I was seeking a concrete reply, not a "tough :censored2:" one.
Jes keepin it realz yo
Not gonna sugar coat it just a fact
You seem like the kind that if you had to go out cold an area you’d throw a little bitch fit probably start crying


Seriously everyone, save the snide remarks and replies for the management and sups. Way to be supportive of your own but I guess some of you just can't help but be obnoxious.
What is it you want? You’ve got plenty of solid answers that all lead back to the same place
If you aren’t laid off you’ll be a cover driver Time to put your big boy pants on and go make your boss proud


Well-Known Member
Seriously everyone, save the snide remarks and replies for the management and sups. Way to be supportive of your own but I guess some of you just can't help but be obnoxious.
Not obnoxious, just realistic. if you’re on here, asking this question, you already know the answer the route is gone prepare for whatever your seniority can get you and your local agreements as far as bumping. you’re guaranteed eight hours a day. And your seniority That’s the only guarantees you’ve got.


Well-Known Member
Ease up guys, the OP is gonna cry…
Find it funny that he’s an old timer and asking a question that he SHOULD already know by just being here for awhile. I answered your question @TexCal519…everything is going to go crazy for awhile, and yes your “base” run could get cut. And if you are the low man on the pole in your loop you need to be ready for that. Not sure why you’re throwing expletives around….people are trying to help you and you just don’t like the answer you’re hearing. Chill out and just read what people are saying.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Find it funny that he’s an old timer and asking a question that he SHOULD already know by just being here for awhile. I answered your question @TexCal519…everything is going to go crazy for awhile, and yes your “base” run could get cut. And if you are the low man on the pole in your loop you need to be ready for that. Not sure why you’re throwing expletives around….people are trying to help you and you just don’t like the answer you’re hearing. Chill out and just read what people are saying.
It’s par for the course.


Well-Known Member
For the record, I'm over the hill in age and have done every route in my Los Angeles center during the early years of driving, I put in adequate time. Can I be blamed for really not wanting to be put back in the utility pool after having a set steady base car route. What is it with the snide replies like "oh man, you just gotta deal with it?". I was making a serious inquiry that doesn't warrant replies assuming I'm some shaky wet behind the ears kid. :censored2:
AFAIK there’s no loop language in the western region contract to protect “your” route compared to other routes in the loop. If you have lots of businesses and pickups in your loop there’s a chance they won’t want to mess with it but if you have mostly residential with a couple businesses and a few pickups those are the routes they can bust out really easily. You are asking a question without a real solid answer. @542thruNthru…you have anything else to add for your cali brother here??
I'll raise may hand on that one.

I was trained on one route and learned 25+ in the blind on paper and with maps.

No power steering, no automatic transmission, and the high step. After a while you figure it out.

Stop and get a cup of coffee and a donut. It's gonna be a long day. Oh well....

That's smart.

Don't want to look to good.... or look too bad.

No wonder UPS loves you!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I'll raise may hand on that one.

I was trained on one route and learned 25+ in the blind on paper and with maps.

No power steering, no automatic transmission, and the high step. After a while you figure it out.

Stop and get a cup of coffee and a donut. It's gonna be a long day. Oh well....

That's smart.

Don't want to look to good.... or look too bad.

SOP when I started.


Well-Known Member
It’s par for the course.
Not sure what he is wanting us to say…it’s brown, it could seriously go in 100 different ways. There is no loop language afaik…just overall bumping. I could see ups cutting his run just because he is the low man…seen that happen. I also could see ups cut another driver in the loop run and give 1/2 to this kid since they know he will run to get it done. It’s really an impossible question to answer. Btw op, how many years you have in that qualifies you as an old timer????


Well-Known Member
I get it it sucks, they pay us $15 an hour to do the job. The rest is to put up with the bull:censored2: just get used to it.
It’s never been an easy straightforward job but I’ve found that the people who can be flexible and “expect the unexpected” do much better than the ones who just have a meltdown if they get a cut of 10 stops off of another route.