Will TeamCare cost Hoffa/Hall their reelection?


All Trash No Trailer
As far as retirees: I am getting very close to retirement. I have put a great deal back in Stock and 401 K and My home is paid off and I have no debt. I have no problems as a retiree getting slightly less to see some of these up and coming kids get a little more


Inordinately Right
As far as retirees: I am getting very close to retirement. I have put a great deal back in Stock and 401 K and My home is paid off and I have no debt. I have no problems as a retiree getting slightly less to see some of these up and coming kids get a little more
I've got a lot of respect for that.
However, I think the idea that full timers or retirees have to give back in a contract so that part timers can get a fair shake is BS. That's a line the company tries to sell to pit us up against each other.

I'm pretty much convinced the "they don't vote so it's their own fault" line came from the company too, because they're the only one who really benefits from that line of thinking.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
I've got a lot of respect for that.
However, I think the idea that full timers or retirees have to give back in a contract so that part timers can get a fair shake is BS. That's a line the company tries to sell to pit us up against each other.

I'm pretty much convinced the "they don't vote so it's their own fault" line came from the company too, because they're the only one who really benefits from that line of thinking.

Finally someone who sees through the smoke and mirrors...You hit the nail squarely on the head..Thumbs Up

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
Please tell me how one helps the other.

You're damn right I think only about myself. Do you pay my bills?

This is why the Union is in it's current shape. Guys like you who only look out for yourselves. A Union should be ALL workers banding together for strength in numbers..Me me me....Ups loves people like you.. I can just wonder if you were ever in combat battle.......you would be the first one to haul arse when in danger , when instead should be at the front lines battling the enemy(UPS)..Me and xexys stood strong along with all our other brothers and sisters in Jersey, through the strike and many other times when Big Brown tried to pull some stunts, we hang tough. We did not wilt under pressure, Maybe this is why MANY locals are in worse shape than others..because of people like yourself, who deserve what they get now and in the near Future

Foamer Pyle

Well-Known Member
Ask the other 1,000,000 Teamsters.... if they care about UPS members.

It's funny....

Only a handful, of UPS teamsters are complaining.

But, somehow.... they (want to) speak for everyone.

It is very funny. Let's see, new contract, my wages are increased and my benefits were made much better. I used to spend hundreds on prescriptions, now I pay 5 bucks or nothing. LOL! TeamCare is Great!

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The Milkman

Well-Known Member
How's that retirement healthcare treating you?
Just fine..2 more years and I am off...Everytime I write a check now for meds and other stuff that was a lot cheaper before this wonderful gift to all us retirees from all those looking out for themselves.....Just remember...someday you will be in the same boat I am in..thanks to all the others who think like you..........Got almost 8 years of benefits I was told I would have when i retired, I feel for those who just hung it up thinking they had 10 yrs of low cost benefits...Thanks Again
Just fine..2 more years.and I am off...Everytime I write a check now for meds and other stuff that was a lot cheaper before this wonderful gift to all us retirees from all those looking out for themselves.....Just remember...someday you will be in the same boat I am in..thanks to all the others who think like you..........Got almost 8 years of benefits I was told I would have when i retired, I feel for those who just hung it up thinking they had 10 yrs of low cost benefits...Thanks Again
Hey...we had your back....sorry the rest of the Teamsters, were drinking Hoffa Kool Aid


so this was the first contract you have seen ratified?
not putting you down,and if i come across that way its not intentional. it's simply i can make some very big points on just how GOOD the past few contracts have been for hourlies.
saying that I agree starting pay SUX. When i started $8 was starting for part timers and drivers were making either 9 or 9.50 an hour,it's been so long i cant remember.
I can remember. I saw the 1982 contract ratified.
-Before that contract both full timers and part timers made $12 per hour. Adjusted for inflation that would mean part timers would be making $32.40 per hour today.
-The current contract has put some teeth in the 9.5 language and progress is finally being made. But back in the 1980s drivers were averaging less than a hour of overtime per day, so overtime was not as much of a problem.
-The 1982 contract saw the beginning of the sell out of the part timers. Instead of $12 they got $8. But still $8 an hour in 1982 would be $19.83 today.


Light 'em up!
It is very funny. Let's see, new contract, my wages are increased and my benefits were made much better. I used to spend hundreds on prescriptions, now I pay 5 bucks or nothing. LOL! TeamCare is Great!

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Some people benefitted from Teamcare, but a lot of us got screwed. Those that were in the company plan took a hit with Teamcare. I had no copay for scripts. Now I have to pay $5. Teamcare is not a bad plan, but a concession from what some of us had.

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