The Milkman
Well-Known Member
For one, it would help you to understand the system more. Do you intentionally put yourself behind the eight ball for these stupid posts of yours? More knowledge is what everyone strives for in life. Having had the loading job made me realize many things more about the company. Being a clerk made me realize what goes on when the drivers are gone out of the building. You'd be surprised what actually does go on when you drivers are out on the road. I've seen supervisors loading packages in their cars to go and deliver them.
As for paying your bills, I would look into getting a better plan in your 401k, those Bright Horizon funds are not for the "bright" people. Call Prudential and ask for a prospectus on all the funds and actually see what you are sinking your hard earned money into. It will be an eye opener for sure when you read what your money buys in the Horizon funds. You are much better off in Blue Chips or even the Mid-Cap or Russell 2000. If you feel that is too strong of an exposure, use the other funds available to offset your exposure.
And you aren't the Resident know-it-all if you only put it up some times in your posts. More like Resident no-wit-at-all.
So right with what goes on when the Drivers are on the road!!!!!!!! Little do they know..They threw many of us under the bus over the years..maybe thats why we feel the way we do today...UPS sticks their head in the sand come trouble time.. I never worked p/t but did 8 yrs inside after 18 on the yes The XMAN is so right........