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1. to lower in dignity or estimation; bring into contempt: He felt they were degrading him by making him report to the supervisor.
2. to lower in character or quality; debase.
3. to reduce (someone) to a lower rank, degree, etc.; deprive of office, rank, status, or title, especially as a punishment: degraded from director to assistant director.
4. to reduce in amount, strength, intensity, etc.
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[d_ɪ_ɡ_ɹ_ˈeɪ_d], [dɪɡɹˈe͡ɪd], [dɪɡɹˈeɪd]
Definitions of degrade:
1. reduce in worth or character, usually verbally; " She tends to putdown younger women colleagues"; " His critics took him down after thelecture"
2. To reduce from a higher to a lower civil rank; to strip of office orhonours, and so of civil rank; to disgrace; to lower in character andnatural rank; to wear down.
3. lower the grade of something; reduce its worth
4. reduce the level of land, as by erosion
5. To reduce in altitude or magnitude, as hills and mountains; to weardown.
Antonyms for degrade:
celebrate, ensky, perfect, reclaim, eulogize, uplift, play up, restore, cite,promote, aggrade, upgrade, fete, acclaim, enthrone, rehabilitate,ennoble, meliorate, elevate, enrich, redeem, commend, salute,regenerateromanticize, reform, laud, raise, highlight, enshrine,sanctify, spotlight, congratulate, habilitate, hail, clarify, lift, enhance,hire, dignify, applaud, purify, amend, boost, honor, extol.
Quotes for degrade:
1. All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind.–
2. A union of government and religion tends to destroy governmentand degrade religion.–
Hugo Black
3. The foundation of empire is art and science. Remove them ordegrade them, and the empire is no more. Empire follows art and notvice versa as Englishmen suppose.–
William Blake
Usage examples for degrade:
1. “
Does it not condemn her to the block, does it not degrade andshame her if she refuses to buy her right to motherhood by sellingherself? ”– Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman
2. “
We degrade and disgrace our constituents and the country. ”– Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. by Josiah Quincy
3. “
If we do not continually remind ourselves that he is infinite, wedegrade his nature; but he would be for us as if he were not, if hisinfinite essence had no forms that pertain to us, the proper forms ofour reason and our soul. ”– Lectures on the true, the beautiful and the good by Victor Cousin
Rhymes for degrade:
aide, bade, bayed, blade, braid, brayed, brigade, brocade,buffeted, cade, cascade, charade, abrade, afraid, allayed, arcade, arrayed, betrayed, blockade;
colonnade, disobeyed, lemonade, masquerade, overpaid, overplayed;