I work in a large hub and in a very busy "go go go" area of the Hub, due to the constant workload & understaffing (sending people home at the beginning of every shift) a few people come in early and work off the clock to "clean up" prior to the start of our shift. These same people get spoken to for being a minute or two late returning from break. I just don't understand why anyone would volunteer their time to such an ungrateful company that doesn't appreciate their staff. Not to mention I am pretty sure it's against policy. We get treated like grade school children most of the time, ya, our management team is awful and it gets more and more discouraging every day. A good day's work, for a good day's pay, yet management tries to scare us with their number's game, causing so much anxiety and panic that people get stressed out and have nightmares about their job's at UPS. It's just not worth it, I try to keep a cool head but when I bust my balls and get looked at like I am not doing good enough & if I only came in early to clean up what another shift couldn't finish my numbers would sky rocket.