Yea but at the end of the day we all go to our own homes not mommy and daddys. Lay off the power trip. Youll get what you deserve eventually!How about this? 15 years with the company, former driver, 4 years as an OnRoad. At the end of the day, I get paid to know more than you do.
Funny thing is my union steward uses this same quote, in bed with management naa.How about this? Work as directed, and if you don't like it, perhaps you should try and get on at your local WalMart.
How about this? 15 years with the company, former driver, 4 years as an OnRoad. At the end of the day, I get paid to know more than you do.
At the end of the day you think you know more than i do! remember i can do your job, its obvious that you cant do my job!
No, at the end of the day, I've done your job, and probably quite a bit better than you. You've NEVER done my job, and I doubt that you could. It's easy to spout Teamster rhetoric, because you have somebody else feeding you your lines. I wanted to better myself, and prove that I could think for myself. Are there things about this company that I disagree with? Of course there are. But I still go in every day, and do my job without complaint. It's whiny pissants like you, who wouldn't have a job if they were based on performance instead of seniority, that are the one bad thing about this company. I'm in a medium size center, with no other management (other than three p/t sups), and I average mid 90s on the ERI, so my drivers, who are hard working and appreciate the job, think that I'm doing all right by them. Chill out, and remember this: If your job sucks so much, be a man and leave, instead of accepting a (very nice) paycheck and bitching all the way to the bank.
How about this. You are an arrogant prick who think his feces smells of roses just because he has decided to bleed brown. There are other sups on here that don't have "jerk off" attitudes. Why are you so bitter towards hourly employees if you were one once? Did your mommy not breast feed you? You name in itself is arrogant. You should change it to superJERKHow about this? 15 years with the company, former driver, 4 years as an OnRoad. At the end of the day, I get paid to know more than you do.
No, at the end of the day, I've done your job, and probably quite a bit better than you. You've NEVER done my job, and I doubt that you could. It's easy to spout Teamster rhetoric, because you have somebody else feeding you your lines. I wanted to better myself, and prove that I could think for myself. Are there things about this company that I disagree with? Of course there are. But I still go in every day, and do my job without complaint. It's whiny pissants like you, who wouldn't have a job if they were based on performance instead of seniority, that are the one bad thing about this company. I'm in a medium size center, with no other management (other than three p/t sups), and I average mid 90s on the ERI, so my drivers, who are hard working and appreciate the job, think that I'm doing all right by them. Chill out, and remember this: If your job sucks so much, be a man and leave, instead of accepting a (very nice) paycheck and bitching all the way to the bank.
No, at the end of the day, I've done your job, and probably quite a bit better than you. You've NEVER done my job, and I doubt that you could. It's easy to spout Teamster rhetoric, because you have somebody else feeding you your lines. I wanted to better myself, and prove that I could think for myself. Are there things about this company that I disagree with? Of course there are. But I still go in every day, and do my job without complaint. It's whiny pissants like you, who wouldn't have a job if they were based on performance instead of seniority, that are the one bad thing about this company. I'm in a medium size center, with no other management (other than three p/t sups), and I average mid 90s on the ERI, so my drivers, who are hard working and appreciate the job, think that I'm doing all right by them. Chill out, and remember this: If your job sucks so much, be a man and leave, instead of accepting a (very nice) paycheck and bitching all the way to the bank.
No, at the end of the day, I've done your job, and probably quite a bit better than you. You've NEVER done my job, and I doubt that you could. It's easy to spout Teamster rhetoric, because you have somebody else feeding you your lines. I wanted to better myself, and prove that I could think for myself. Are there things about this company that I disagree with? Of course there are. But I still go in every day, and do my job without complaint. It's whiny pissants like you, who wouldn't have a job if they were based on performance instead of seniority, that are the one bad thing about this company. I'm in a medium size center, with no other management (other than three p/t sups), and I average mid 90s on the ERI, so my drivers, who are hard working and appreciate the job, think that I'm doing all right by them. Chill out, and remember this: If your job sucks so much, be a man and leave, instead of accepting a (very nice) paycheck and bitching all the way to the bank.
I just want to feed him a big steaming pile ofwhy feed the troll?
I knew it. He thinks he is a Management God because he is top wienie in his piss-ant center. In the end you are really the whiny bitch that came on here spouting your "holier than thou" attitude. So big fat hairy deal. You decided to suck the skin off the company sausage because you feel you are SOOOO much more educated than the rest of us. Well let me tell you this, you insignificant turd ball. There are a hell of a lot of hourly employees with the same or better education than you have, but choose to work where they do because they actually LIKE their job. So go take your salad tossing from your 3 little part time supervisors and get off your high horse. No one here is impressed by your rants. It just makes you look like the anal probe that you really are.![]()
How about this? Work as directed, and if you don't like it, perhaps you should try and get on at your local WalMart.
No, at the end of the day, I've done your job, and probably quite a bit better than you. You've NEVER done my job, and I doubt that you could. It's easy to spout Teamster rhetoric, because you have somebody else feeding you your lines. I wanted to better myself, and prove that I could think for myself. Are there things about this company that I disagree with? Of course there are. But I still go in every day, and do my job without complaint. It's whiny pissants like you, who wouldn't have a job if they were based on performance instead of seniority, that are the one bad thing about this company. I'm in a medium size center, with no other management (other than three p/t sups), and I average mid 90s on the ERI, so my drivers, who are hard working and appreciate the job, think that I'm doing all right by them. Chill out, and remember this: If your job sucks so much, be a man and leave, instead of accepting a (very nice) paycheck and bitching all the way to the bank.