Workplace violence tolerated by UPS?


Well-Known Member
Do you remember back when the only way you could get fired was for:
• fighting (fists being thrown and landed)
• stealing
• NCNS 3 days in a row
I can't imagine what it's like working in the hub in 2020.
🚚 ✊
If you dont cover your fart with a napkin you get fired for Lack of Etiquette. Or if someone else farts and you dont say Bless You


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
If your building was overly, or properly staffed, youd both be sitting out. Id bet that the company doesnt want to lose any bodies right now.

Also, tempers can flare quite easily in a job like this. Quit being a ninny, the guy didnt even hit you.
Funny you say that. We have multiple people on “working suspensions” because they can’t afford to be down anyone.


Big Kahuna Burger
Funny you say that. We have multiple people on “working suspensions” because they can’t afford to be down anyone.

What those people look like


The truth never changes.
Anyone that steals, especially a driver deserves to lose their job. That’s just idiotic. If you feel the need to be violent on UPS property, you’re deranged. As burrheadd said take it off property.


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Yes, I know I'm working late.
A sup from there once told me that the main target in that shooting was off that day. I met him once on an Orion team. A real nut case that constantly tried to push your buttons.


Well-Known Member

You don't know how true that is.

It takes a certain type of person to work at UPS.

A lot of alpha type "personalities" can make things interesting.

Lol, this place has the least number of alphas. So many of theses guys are soft cupcakes that cry and whine about!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm a 12 year PT employee. I had another hourly tell me as I was picking off that "he was going to friend* me up, ni***". I told him yea whatever.

He then ran up the belt and got within my face with a fist and pretended as he was going to hit me. I put my hands up and told him to calm down. He left.

It was witnessed by a PT supervisor and a shop steward. I also told a full time supervisor of the incident.

The following day I went to HR and they told me they would investigate the incident and to call the 1800 ethic hotline. I also reported it to the hotline.

This was 3.5 weeks ago. He's still employed with the company.

Saw a union rep last week and he was aware of the issue and was told he would bring it up in the meeting with the manager.

How is UPS tolerating this type of behavior and why does this employee still have a job?

If this were to happen to management the hourly would be walked of off the job on the same day.

Was it a "person of color" and are you a "white" person? You are screwed unless you start identifying as a transgender ASAP bro


The truth never changes.
Just find the dude outside of work and deal with it like a man.
Only illegal if you get caught
Or shot to death.
Walk away from the guy (if possible) outside of work property. If threatened with the possibility of physical harm at work call the police and remove yourself from the area of perpetration.

I know companies that will fire employees involved in threats and assaults off company property that can be traced to have originated during their work hours and spilled over later.


The truth never changes.
The idea of "alpha male" and the whole panoply of other types, were all made up to make gym rat lunks feel better about themselves since the only thing they put any time or effort into is their own vanity.
In the realm of stewards I agree with @BigUnionGuy though. The best stewards are in that category minus the vanity twist. Fear is the only thing holding back people with the spine to step up and Interviene in cba and harassment violations and once that hurdle is passed the hourly is defined as an alpha because they stand out from the crowd.

The employee and I had another incident. Employee smacked my hand as I was talking. He was walked off the job. Hearing is supposed to be soon.

Is there a chance he will still have a job or is he gone. Shop Steward seemed to imply its not 100% he can be fired.


Well-Known Member

The employee and I had another incident. Employee smacked my hand as I was talking. He was walked off the job. Hearing is supposed to be soon.

Is there a chance he will still have a job or is he gone. Shop Steward seemed to imply its not 100% he can be fired.
He'll be back.