Yelled At For Filing a SUP Working Grievance


Space Cadet
I thought about it before i took the position and i always stand my ground with Sups. I have just never had any falling out with anyone in upper management before

A center manager is not upper management. He is the bottom of the pile. Your DIVISION manager is middle management. You don't hit UPPER management until you have the district manager in your face.

Hang in there and do the right thing.


Well-Known Member
Who cares if it is the DIVISION manager or the district they are all the same, they should never scream at employees. Anyone who does this needs to Grow the friend* UP and they need to grow some and stop acting like a small child who did not get his way. Over the years I have seen many of them act this way including the "big boys". Let them continue the Bull Crap in front of everyone and let them have a good funny and it well stop. This steward if he stands his ground and goes by the contract and learn his protected rights they can't not do much to him, when he is acting as the role of the steward. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Screw em. Write up the grievence!!! Are you gonna take that kind of harasment. It's time to start pushing back cause this whole things getting out of control. Your the Steward. How are newer generation drivers like me gonna think we even have achance at it if we see our own stwards getting yelled at and backing down. This weakens the union tremendously. By him yelling at you in front of others gives just cause. It's critical that management doesn't get away with threats or harasment.

Simmer on this, I had to do training for seasonal to run peak, Don't know why cause I ran cover driver all last summer. There were 95% outsiders in for driven and all worried. The managers said, I been look at those full timers, Out of shape, Not very big guys, woman and older drivers. If they can do it then it's obviosly not such a hard gig so you guys can handle it. THAT WAS SO BELITTLING US DRIVERS. Making us sound small,weak, out of shape. We know better so why are we putting up with it??

Then I would suggest to you that you walk up side by side stand there with the steward, Let him or her know you have the backs of anyone who is getting yelled at like this. I'm not beating down what you have to say, but its not just the stewards who police the contract it the memebrs too. So when you see this happen stand there with them and let them know you will give staments if needed if not then you need to give no words.


Binge Poster
Who cares if it is the DIVISION manager or the district they are all the same, they should never scream at employees. Anyone who does this needs to Grow the friend* UP and they need to grow some and stop acting like a small child who did not get his way. Over the years I have seen many of them act this way including the "big boys". Let them continue the Bull Crap in front of everyone and let them have a good funny and it well stop. This steward if he stands his ground and goes by the contract and learn his protected rights they can't not do much to him, when he is acting as the role of the steward. good luck.

Any management person at any level in a large corporation who yells in a hostile manner for any reason needs help.

When a management person does this they should be offer the professional help they may need.

If they don't want help or the company finds they are beyond help they, should be removed from service permanently.

There is no option here. A person who contributes to a hostile work environment needs to change or be fired.



bella amicizia
I, have you met my preload sup, yet? She thinks we work on a football field, and her face gets redder than her hair at least 5x a day. She was spraying spit, she was yelling so hard at one of my co-workers. No one ever wanted to work metro(local sort) in my building. Since she came along, there is a waiting list.


The next grievance should be for the center manager harassing you and communicating threats, by him threatning your job!!! And name the center manager in the grievance, he will think twice next time he opens his pie hole...


Staff member
I, have you met my preload sup, yet? She thinks we work on a football field, and her face gets redder than her hair at least 5x a day. She was spraying spit, she was yelling so hard at one of my co-workers. No one ever wanted to work metro(local sort) in my building. Since she came along, there is a waiting list.

To me this sounds like someone it would be easy to get rid of. All you need is one person to push her buttons in front of a few witnesses....
Just sayin.


To me this sounds like someone it would be easy to get rid of. All you need is one person to push her buttons in front of a few witnesses....
Just sayin.

I don't agree with pushing buttons, however a real hot head will get angry with anything including other people within their rights.

That is what happened in your old center - the sup is just a bad guy, very arrogant and young...he thought he could do whatever he wanted and say what he wanted and was exposed, more or less...a well placed grievance with witness ended the debacle, we made sure of that.


I plan to file for the original Sups working grievance as well as a harassment and threatening retaliation against myself and my coworkers grievance.


Well-Known Member
As I began reading this it occurred to me that they are testing you. Like Dannyboy said, they are feeling you out. It's going to be a long, hard road until you teach them how to act and it will be a never-ending process for that! However, it sounds as if you have a strong backbone and common sense. In time, as was said, you'll learn to work with each other. Thanks for taking on this job. Come back an vent because those with experience are here to help.


New Member
Do what you know is right. You took the job, and it comes with responsibility and uncomfortable decision making.
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New Member
not all of them some parts of my HUB have them in some areas, and some parts of the parking lot.

I don't agree with that advice. You must be smarter than to engage in unproductive heated arguments. Know the contract, and be a consummate professional, despite if the manager is acting unprofessionally. He and others will soon see that you are the voice of reason and that the manager has acted inproperly. When you allow someone to get you upset, you have relinquished you power. They take it from you. When they attempt to draw you in and get you to yell and curse, the power stays with you. In maintaining your mower, they become increasingly frustrated and that soon relinquish their power to you. Stay in control. a manager is just a man. Unfortunately, he is emotionally attached. Don't be emotionally attached. be legally and professionally attached.


From the promised LAND
There has been a lot of good posts, and some not so good.

Fracus brings a different view to the table, and I would like to respond.

All the good advice is likely to get you fired. You're shooting spit balls at a guy with a cannon. And he sounds like an idiot with a cannon.
There are many times it feels like this. Or another way of putting it, your trying to put out a house fire by peeing on it.

UPS has done things their way for decades. Nothing new, nothing really changes, only the faces and names. While I would not classify the center manager as an idiot, he does bear watching and using careful methods when dealing with him. If the tirades keep occurring, then someone needs to file. Everyone can loose it once, but if it becomes a trend, your BA needs to step in and have a serious discussion with the DM and district labor.

Grievances don't do much to the manager. They're just a nuisance and an ego buster. Warning letters, suspensions and terminations are not an even trade in my opinion.
While I dont agree totally with his statement, there is some truth to what he is getting at. As a steward, you have a huge target painted on your back. One that you volunteered to wear. And for that, you have my respect. Many that have been stewards are not worthy of the post.

As a result, management will always keep in mind that you would be a trophy hanging from the center's conference room. Your integrity needs to be 100%. You need to give UPS 100% in all you do in your position. You need to conduct yourself with dignity and honor, despite what management does. That way, regardless of what happens, you are blameless on all counts. Not because they dont try, but because everyone knows you well enough for crap to stick. And believe me, the more successful you are, the greater the effort to find something......... Dont give them anything..

It makes as much sense as picking a fight with a cop. Good luck.

Yes and no. A saying comes to mind, "tyranny rules when good men stand by and do nothing." Nuf said?

One last thing. It is so very hard to file on a sup working, when 30% of the drivers are out on the belt working off the clock. I had to deal with both. Unfortunately, that does not make you popular with the people violating the contract. So there is that angle as well. There will be fellow workers that have no integrity on there own, wanting to tear you down. Dont give in. Pick your fights carefully, and watch your back.



I agree Dannyboy. When i first became a shop steward, the preload sup started calling me and joking around with me at work all of a sudden and this guy is a "notorious snake". He is extremely shady and always out to get people. The part time sups dont like him and they tell us stuff that he says about us in their meetings and how he is going to retaliate on us. After filing the grievances a month or so ago, he has changed his tune. He is always looking for stuff to criticize me on. I always watch my back around him. Apparently our center manager is the same way, i just didnt know him well enough to see it.


Well-Known Member

Any management person at any level in a large corporation who yells in a hostile manner for any reason needs help.

When a management person does this they should be offer the professional help they may need.

If they don't want help or the company finds they are beyond help they, should be removed from service permanently.

There is no option here. A person who contributes to a hostile work environment needs to change or be fired.

First of all Integrity, I am not implying at all that this man should sit here and take it and let it continue!!!! That is the reason as stated previously in one of my posts, documentation and witness statements must be obtained. You come here at times with your over all arrogance with the dumbest posts. . further more, you sit here and blast the company but then turn around in the same hot aired breath and want to defend a supervisor by giving him a second chance. If you don't know by now that UPS likes to hire managers of this nature for intimidation and harrassment purposes so they can meet their numbers. If this was an hourly employee acting in this manner he would have been fired and walked to the door, he would not have been given an option for help as you would say should be done for supervisors he would have been given the boot out the door. Have you ever seen an hourly employee to be offered help as such that you have stated????? Integrity, you may mean well but at times your mouth overrides your a**. No anger intended toward you on my part but I speak the truth, because at times mine has done the same, I just think you should learn to think before typing or speaking.


Binge Poster
First of all Integrity, I am not implying at all that this man should sit here and take it and let it continue!!!!. That is the reason as stated previously in one of my posts, documentation and witness statements must be obtained. You come here at times with your over all arrogance with the dumbest posts. . further more, you sit here and blast the company but then turn around in the same hot aired breath and want to defend a supervisor by giving him a second chance. If you don't know by now that UPS likes to hire managers of this nature for intimidation and harrassment purposes so they can meet their numbers. If this was an hourly employee acting in this manner he would have been fired and walked to the door, he would not have been given an option for help as you would say should be done for supervisors he would have been given the boot out the door. Have you ever seen an hourly employee to be offered help as such that you have stated????? Integrity, you may mean well but at times your mouth overrides your a**. No anger intended toward you on my part but I speak the truth, because at times mine has done the same, I just think you should learn to think before typing or speaking.

You have given some sound counsel regarding documentation.

Please cite my arrogance and my dumb posts so I can try to improve in this area in the future.

I don't know where I have blasted the company or anyone.

Please cite the posts that prove this so I can also improve in this area if needed.

I only seek the "Truth" in all matters.

There is no proof that UPS seeks to hire managers to harass and intimidate.

Can you offer some?

My experience tells me that management often become this way because of a culture that is faulty and lacks integrity.

If an hourly employee acts in manner that creates a hostile work environment then that person needs professional help.

That hourly employee should be offered this professional help just as any employee should.

Perhaps through counseling through employee assistance.

If this hour person refuses the help or is beyond help and unable to change, then this person should be fired.



Well-Known Member
Integrity, There is that word again FIRED. Lately that is all you hear, How about
helping the cause, like what can we do to help you.


Binge Poster
Integrity, There is that word again FIRED. Lately that is all you hear, How about
helping the cause, like what can we do to help you.

I agree professional help should be offered in these situations.

My post clearly states that.

Fired is the last word in my post and I believe it should be the last resort.

Employees need to get the help needed.

If they refuse to change or can't change then they should be fired.

It is not my desire to see anyone get fired.



Well-Known Member
I don't have to give you anything concerning proff Integrity. I know this is what they do I have been around a long time to see the games that are played. I have stated before I did not want any part of the union when I came to UPS but that changed when I saw what they do to people. AS for some of your post or theads to me they are full of hot air bull crap. Go back and read some of them youself. But that is just me not anyone else.