Yelled At For Filing a SUP Working Grievance


My Shop is the same way. There isnt a strong Union prescence. I am a alternate union steward, and I enforce the contract unlike our regular steward. I have goneto Union meetings and met some big shots. One guy inparticular is a guy named Al M. He is the secretary-treasurer of joint council 41 in Cleveland. He told all the stewards at the meeting that as Union members, we are equal to anyone at UPS. From management all the way up to the CEO. Teamsters is one of the most powerful unions around and we should never back down.

BUT being realistic, in my own experience. You have to pick and choose your battles. Because everyone know if u file greivances. Managemnts gonna find a way to retaliate somehow.

I don't like that whole "pick and choose your battles" term because it gives the impression that some legit battles are not meant to be faught at all.

If there is a problem, it must be addressed , whether or not it is a problem that needs to be addressed NOW or LATER (wait for the companies "move" for ex), is the fundamental issue.


Well-Known Member
I don't like that whole "pick and choose your battles" term because it gives the impression that some legit battles are not meant to be faught at all.

If there is a problem, it must be addressed , whether or not it is a problem that needs to be addressed NOW or LATER (wait for the companies "move" for ex), is the fundamental issue.

You go Sleevy.


Well-Known Member
I don't like that whole "pick and choose your battles" term because it gives the impression that some legit battles are not meant to be faught at all.

If there is a problem, it must be addressed , whether or not it is a problem that needs to be addressed NOW or LATER (wait for the companies "move" for ex), is the fundamental issue.

Reminds me of something that happened yrs ago.

I had the reputation for filing on everything...all legit and areas that needed remedies...but in some minds eyes, going too far. I didn't care what others thought, I wanted these areas fixed and usually got em. Again, all legit and above board and, by no means, frivolous.

I never was faced with, what some feel, retaliation or the proverbial "target on your back" syndrome.

One time, a more senior driver was upstairs ready to punch out. I had already punched out and was ready to walk out. We were within minutes of each other. The supe ordered the senior driver to do something extra (not realizing that I was junior, go figger). He explodes and askes why they didn't order me, since I was junior to do it. The supe responded, "We have to be careful with Race, he files on EVERYTHING".

The senior got to go home, I got to go home, the matter was dropped and I had a good laugh.


Reminds me of something that happened yrs ago.

I had the reputation for filing on everything...all legit and areas that needed remedies...but in some minds eyes, going too far. I didn't care what others thought, I wanted these areas fixed and usually got em. Again, all legit and above board and, by no means, frivolous.

I never was faced with, what some feel, retaliation or the proverbial "target on your back" syndrome.

One time, a more senior driver was upstairs ready to punch out. I had already punched out and was ready to walk out. We were within minutes of each other. The supe ordered the senior driver to do something extra (not realizing that I was junior, go figger). He explodes and askes why they didn't order me, since I was junior to do it. The supe responded, "We have to be careful with Race, he files on EVERYTHING".

The senior got to go home, I got to go home, the matter was dropped and I had a good laugh.

LOL yes, I've heard a few of those comments also.

The grievance is a useful tool, a weapon of sorts. If you show management you will only use it to defend yourself against attempted murder but not break-ins or pocket theft, you will survive in the end but you will be robbed fairly often. Not saying anything you do not know, just speaking out against the mentality which I hear from some stewards who try to avoid the "target".
LOL yes, I've heard a few of those comments also.

The grievance is a useful tool, a weapon of sorts. If you show management you will only use it to defend yourself against attempted murder but not break-ins or pocket theft, you will survive in the end but you will be robbed fairly often. Not saying anything you do not know, just speaking out against the mentality which I hear from some stewards who try to avoid the "target".
Did you ever think about being a steward? Any involvement is much appreciated and needed.


bella amicizia
LOL yes, I've heard a few of those comments also.

The grievance is a useful tool, a weapon of sorts. If you show management you will only use it to defend yourself against attempted murder but not break-ins or pocket theft, you will survive in the end but you will be robbed fairly often. Not saying anything you do not know, just speaking out against the mentality which I hear from some stewards who try to avoid the "target".
My bullseye is a badge of honor! I must be something special to garner all the attention I get!! LOL!!!


Did you ever think about being a steward? Any involvement is much appreciated and needed.

Yeah, our BA already informed me that they weren't interested.
They want someone who gives mgmt the benefit of the doubt versus Teamsters, and tries not to ruffle feathers/make waves. Also we have enough stewards as it is , good and bad ones..the good ones are all stepping down - and the company is lovin' it like Mickey D's

Apparently our BA, a former driver, has spoken out recently and said that he has never seen UPS so difficult with our local in his 20 years.

My bullseye is a badge of honor! I must be something special to garner all the attention I get!! LOL!!!

ha, yeah. We have some stewards who do not care either way of the bullseye, then we have some who will avoid grievances and employee concerns at all costs- and they are the ones management relies on in the office when disciplining people. The stewards who stick around the longest here are the ones I am always wondering about, if they're out playing 18 with your center manager and DM on the weekends instead of filing away grievances..


bella amicizia
I was only the preload steward. Had to give it up when I went full-time. My full-time steward has 80 stops and is in by 6 pm. I think he likes golf.:wink2:


I was only the preload steward. Had to give it up when I went full-time. My full-time steward has 80 stops and is in by 6 pm. I think he likes golf.:wink2:

One of our driver stewards in another center (which I bid briefly)is that way. I guess the drivers in the ctr are mostly the "company" types and it is a different WORLD than the other centers. Apparently like 30% of the center were former supervisors too, no wonder! I did not know this when I bid over there and now looking back, it is no wonder! Lets put it this way - the steward , has his own tanning bed in his home (he's that self interested). If HappyBob was around he would verify this. lol

It is funny how four centers in one hub can seem like completely different companies, in each case, partly to blame is the representation and type of employee.


Master Loader
I am a part time steward. I have only been a steward for a few months.I have turned in 3 grievances in the past month for sup's working. It wasnt previously enforced, but i have been trying to help get it under control. The first time i was going to file, our center manager assured me that it would stop and asked me not to file. I didnt and it continued. I have since been filing for it every time i see it. We got word the other day that his bosses told him that "heads would roll" if anybody else files for that reason. I have let a few times go that were only a few minutes, but we have one part time sup that wont stop working. I approached the Center Manager today and told him that i had a grievance to file, along with two other people . I got yelled at, at point blank range for about 3min. He screamed at me ,"If you want to play games boy, I will play them too. If you ever have one misload, you will get written up. If you are ever late, you will get written up. If you do anything that is not perfect, you will get written up. I will play your games! You are asking my guys to be perfect, so you and your guys better be perfect or you will get written up!" He kept repeating himself and he would walk away for a few seconds and come back and yell at me again.He did this in front of several witnesses! He came back the last time and apologized for yelling at me and said he would look into the problem. I told him i would hold off this time on the grievance and he told me to have a nice weekend and left. I really got mad after i left, but i realize that i have said things to people before and wished that they would forgive me for it. I decided to let it go, but then i had a part time sup call and tell me that he called a meeting and told them to write us up for everything we did wrong from now on. Thinking about calling our Union Rep and discussing it, but i dont really know what kind of hell that would rain down on me. Any ideas?

Stright up, you should of filed for harassment, if they write you up for production, file again. Make sure you understand what you can and cannot file for. Its your job to put a bug in thier crawl. Your only doing your job as a steward. If they move you away, make sure you go back to that area and ask people if it keeps happening, then file again. Heads will roll, only it wont be yours. Keep up the good work!


bella amicizia
That is how they intimidate you. Paper. Just do the write thing. Always, I mean always, file a rebuttal grievance for ANY write-up. ANY! Good luck to you and keep up the good fight. Stewards are a breed of their own. It is a very tough job. But, necessary. And stay away from any potential bribes like a Jimmy Dean Sausage Sandwich!


Master Loader
That is how they intimidate you. Paper. Just do the write thing. Always, I mean always, file a rebuttal grievance for ANY write-up. ANY! Good luck to you and keep up the good fight. Stewards are a breed of their own. It is a very tough job. But, necessary. And stay away from any potential bribes like a Jimmy Dean Sausage Sandwich!

Thats right, dont take their crap. If they right you up for missloads, file that its about production and not in the contract. Be on time do as your told and nothing cant happen to you. Remeber this, it is your job to inforce the contract, so read through it and know it A to Z. Soups are told to uphold things they are told to do, you stewards have the same for your side job. They are only doing what they are told, you should do the same, on the union standerd of course.

Yea, I never like taking things from them for free. I dont owe you anything, you dont owe me anything. I would take a dollar for a soda at the end of a shift or a tee shirt, not food. Btw, has anyone started getting fruit on Fridays? They started this awhile back, with mixed reviews they go from fruit to dohnuts each week.


Well-Known Member
I just read this entire thread and must say it was enlightening. We do not have a union rep or steward on our shift (heck i didnt even know there was such a thing as a steward). We are harrassed, intimidated, have soups working everyday, have broken rollers, and are overly supervised. When talking to other senior hourly-employees I'm told we must pick our battles and only file grievances when written up.
I need people like you all at my center.


bella amicizia
Thats right, dont take their crap. If they right you up for missloads, file that its about production and not in the contract. Be on time do as your told and nothing cant happen to you. Remeber this, it is your job to inforce the contract, so read through it and know it A to Z. Soups are told to uphold things they are told to do, you stewards have the same for your side job. They are only doing what they are told, you should do the same, on the union standerd of course.

Yea, I never like taking things from them for free. I dont owe you anything, you dont owe me anything. I would take a dollar for a soda at the end of a shift or a tee shirt, not food. Btw, has anyone started getting fruit on Fridays? They started this awhile back, with mixed reviews they go from fruit to dohnuts each week.
We get the freebies, too. Bribes. If there is an accident, the goodies are suspended for one month. It works. There are people who don't want to "ruin it" for the others, so they don't report a twisted ankle or cut finger. Stupid.


Well-Known Member
We get the freebies, too. Bribes. If there is an accident, the goodies are suspended for one month. It works. There are people who don't want to "ruin it" for the others, so they don't report a twisted ankle or cut finger. Stupid.

Our PDS/Preload Sup will turn off the radio when the preload falls behind.


Master Loader
We get the freebies, too. Bribes. If there is an accident, the goodies are suspended for one month. It works. There are people who don't want to "ruin it" for the others, so they don't report a twisted ankle or cut finger. Stupid.

They do the same here, someone was actually thinking not reporting a broken finger because of it. I too have not reported a twisted knee as well.