This is just a side note. Its to the feeder drivers. This is not to be confrontational. I believe this could be another concern as to why maybe some/many of you are voting no. Yes, there is one concern in reference to the sub contracting language in the new Pending contract, But I feel that there is another concern that rises above the Sub contracting. My question is, Why do most pkg car drivers go into feeders? Well, folks we all know its two totally different companies when it comes to Pkg cars and feeders. I mean no disrespect to the feeders. The majority of feeders goes into feeders because its...lets just say a much more comfortable pace. Physically and mentaly. Yes, you have to be safer with those big 80,000 lbs tractor trailors. They in a sense can do alot more damage, than a pkg car when it comes to a wreck. I am presently in pkg cars. Almost 20 yrs. Thank God I can still do pkg cars. I will say this. I went from city runs to a country run. Its a little less physical. It gives my aging body a refuge. I feel feeders do the same. Feeders is a refuge for most pkg car drivers that have knees that have gone bad or about to go bad. A bad back perphaps. Ankles. Shoulders. Neck or what have you. We(myself included), pkg car drivers need a job(such as feeders) that we can finish out our remaining years(retiremennt) if we should physically be worn out. Its a comfort to know its there(feeders) if you should need it(feeders). The company should take this into consideration.
New paragraph. Hey corporate Altanta!!!! If your listening. These feeder drivers that you might replace with sub contracting are mostly comprised of our honored respected veterans. They are physicaly battled fatigued from all the years as a pkg car driver. Please Do not take the last remaining refuge away. These feeder drivers will have to return to the blistering pace/physically harsh nature of being a pkg car driver. Comp. claims could go up. Production could drop. Profits/stock could go down. More routes may have to be put in to compensate for the older horses(feeder drivers, no offense LOL). This is not a threat. Its just looking at the Big Picture. Again, I myself, sure do like to know that if my body goes to far south. I will have feeders to fall back on. Pkg cars are physicaly brutal in time.
In closing. Feeder drivers I understand it could be a scarey thought to go back into pkg cars if they sub contract your run. Can you make the last remaining years in a pkg car. The article is kind of vague. Lets just say its another one of those "Grey" areas. Right Freddy.