Went to our contract review meeting today....
The first words out of the mouth of our local president was,"Thank you for coming here today. I'd like to start of this meeting by saying
we are not here do debate this contract, this meeting is only to help you understand the language to help you make an informed decision.
I tried to ask about the new language that says they are taking some new part-timer's benifits for the first year of their employment.
Immediately he jumped all over me.

all hell broke lose....a few of the other members started yelling and using profanity showing there general dissent for the attitude of our president.

I proceeded with my original comment, realizing at this point that this is
not an informational meeting, and quoted the contract verbatum.
His response, which was a little more civil this time, was that they
part-timers inour supplemental agreement will not lose there
Health Care for the first year, but
would lose any sick pay, holiday pay, and wouldn't receive any vacation for the first year.
However, that in other parts of the country all new part-timers lose all the above plus their health car for their first year and the first 18 months for their family.
The president became increasingly combative with each additional question each member asked.
Needless to say it became a debate about not only the monetary benefits in the contract but also other issues; like no new full time jobs, language allowing company to
DISCHARGE drivers after first offense based exclusively on
GPS information.
In general the union thinks this is the best contract we are going to get in today's market.
Other issues brought up:
Starting part-time
wages frozen at $8.50 for life of agreement.
California's Minimum wage wil be $8 Jan. 1, 2008.
New 9.5 language which requires you to
opt in or out of 9.5 list, which if you opt out you will be suck working over time for 5 months to cover those on the list. My
suggestion would be for
everyone to sign the list and then they will have to force the low seniority drivers to work overtime, but at least they will be getting paid
triple time to do it.
Language which would allow the union to
reallocate the general wage increases to the pension funds, which are not funded under the law, which will take effect on Jan. 1, 2008. It also states that they may
reallocate pension increases back to the general wage increases. Again, this language doesn't apply to me because my supplement has a
mantinence of benefits clause.
I suggest you read it and then vote how ever you want.
I will vote no.