Yet another pension collapse under H. This one at local 707.

And the pension payouts are low.

Your vision for our future?

I hate to break it to you, but when the CSPF goes down, on our next UPS contract, you are getting thrown to the wolves.

The rest of the nation will not stand up you the OG dogs that sold us down the river.
The pension payouts are fair and set up to stay in business. My 12% 401k plan should be enough to fund the rest. And because I'm a reasonable person I'm planning on working till 62 with all the other Americans. Actually all the other Americans work much much longer. You are a realShart1.


Happy Verified UPSer
Local 707 just kicked out the OG H lovers that were in office and replaced them with Teamster United affiliated leaders.

But, it was already too late for their pension fund.

These are some quotes from some of the members of local 707 about H and his OG buddies at 707.

"Every 5 years you go to Hawaii ! ? You can smile on a beach while workers who physically work harder than you have a letter sent your taking away 2/3rds of their pensions ?! How are average class retired families going to be able to live on $1,000 dollars a month with a 15% pay cut on what they already make?"

"Nice when people are in danger of losing their homes because of your (former 707 OG leaders) mismanagement you're going on a trips and continuing to do so."

"You (The OG former leaders of 707) should all rot in HELL!"

Neglect and financial abuse at 707 led to their pension collapse.

I ask all members of local 952 and other locals in the WCTPF to look what has happened to YOUR pension contributions the last 3 year and the next 2 years.

The increases have nearly vanished.

Diverted to an inferior healthcare plan.

Ask yourself this, do you want your pension fund to be in 20 years, where these pension funds are now?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This will give some of the info you requested.

it's, but the site isn't bringing up the .com part.
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10 point

Well-Known Member
With the deregulation of the trucking industry by the evil GOP a lot of trucking companies went out of business screwing the multi employer pension plans. You catching up?
Was Carter a Republican?

10 point

Well-Known Member
Our pension is done and so is the teamster union. We all saw this coming
Partially right.

The TEAMSTER PENSION plan was a great selling point to organize new workers.

I'm not giving up on our union and our leadership.
Everyone has much at stake and I believe that somehow we will find the solution to our crisis because Corp greed is not going away therefore we will continue to fight for blue collar America.

Meanwhile, the corruption in the International Brotherhood of Teamsters has got to stop.

10 point

Well-Known Member
The deal looked doomed in 97. With the pension fund (CS) already taking on water, the company offered the extra $1000/mo for us to cross the strike line.

The leadership matched it. Play taps now.
The company is not stupid.

We are dancing on the Titanic and the fortunate ones that got more $ than they deserved have no gripe now. If you couldn't see the fragility of the fund and predict the seemingly obvious outcome you probably drank too much champagne and ignored the iceberg ahead.

Right or wrong, that's my take on it from the limited info I witnessed.


Got the T-Shirt
It was focused on.......before H took power.

Total BS.

Are the employees motivated ?

Does the company, have a sustainable financial profile ?

First contracts, rarely include "pension" talks.

It takes years.... to begin that dialogue.

What plan has FZ offered ?
