You’re all pathetic


Well-Known Member
Came on here a few months ago about being terminated for not wearing a seatbelt. All I was looking for was advice or if anyone knew of a similar situation. I was ripped to shreds by people telling me I’m a runner and I deserve to get fired and I’ll never get my career back. Today I wanted to tell you all I got my job back and that you’re all *ing worthless. This discussion forum is an absolute joke and anyone who comes on here just to degrade fellow union workers is an absolute *ing disgrace of a human being. * all of you old, ignorant, heavy drinking/smoking pieces of *. Have fun retiring and then dying 2 years after. From the bottom of my heart, * YOU
Bitterness and anger is the poison you drink, hoping that someone else dies.
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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Came on here a few months ago about being terminated for not wearing a seatbelt. All I was looking for was advice or if anyone knew of a similar situation. I was ripped to shreds by people telling me I’m a runner and I deserve to get fired and I’ll never get my career back. Today I wanted to tell you all I got my job back and that you’re all *ing worthless. This discussion forum is an absolute joke and anyone who comes on here just to degrade fellow union workers is an absolute *ing disgrace of a human being. * all of you old, ignorant, heavy drinking/smoking pieces of *. Have fun retiring and then dying 2 years after. From the bottom of my heart, * YOU

The only reason you've returned is to try and project your feelings of embarrassment and worthlessness over the whole seat belt thing onto those of the same profession who can figure out a seat belt. And you're obviously not doing it well.


Well-Known Member
Congratulations on getting your job back. But just a thought from an Old Retired Guy of 23 years. I did make it past 2 years, but 2 of my fellow employees did not make it 6 months. But the information that is more important, while I was working and in my 20's, a good friend of mine was in delivery and in his 20's also. He was a runner gunner. His goal was to go into management, which had been approved. He was speeding around a curve and rolled his pkg car. He was not using his seatbelt either. When it rolled, he fell out and it crushed him. They found him underneath. He was a great person as well as a good friend. Probably wouldn't have made it in management because he was to nice of a guy. I know you are upset by some of the comments on here, but there are alot of trolls not just on this site. But the point is, a seatbelt would have saved this young man's life. He left behind many friends and family who were deeply hurting.
What building did you work out of when that happened?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
the ups and upsers reddit are much better
But yet you were still here...
i came back for you


Last One In

Well-Known Member
Never ceases to amaze me people trained to be a driver behave in a way that is contrary to how they have been trained and think telematics somehow will not divulge to management their deception. Then...they come on an internet forum and ask how to get their job back. Do your job properly; no shortcuts. How hard is that? My god.

The way to get your job back is apparently how you did. Let it go through local level hearing and on to panel if need be. Remember, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Well-Known Member
Came on here a few months ago about being terminated for not wearing a seatbelt. All I was looking for was advice or if anyone knew of a similar situation. I was ripped to shreds by people telling me I’m a runner and I deserve to get fired and I’ll never get my career back. Today I wanted to tell you all I got my job back and that you’re all *ing worthless. This discussion forum is an absolute joke and anyone who comes on here just to degrade fellow union workers is an absolute *ing disgrace of a human being. * all of you old, ignorant, heavy drinking/smoking pieces of *. Have fun retiring and then dying 2 years after. From the bottom of my heart, * YOU
Did not shoot you and leave you dead, I swear somewhere in my post I mentioned you would likely get your job back. However, they definitely were going to discharge you. Congratulations 👏 on coming back to a COLA raise.


Well-Known Member
One Xmas season my seatbelt broke and my supe told me to continue and drive with the door shut ....
Craziest one i ever got into was driving 20 miles with it getting dark and colder after a turkey took out my windshield. Working out of satellite center so they were reluctant to pay for a wrecker. Told me to kick out rest of windshield and cripple back. Even after doing that was getting hit with little glass fragments all the way back, so squinted and held my mesh cap over my face. Great UPS memory now,but lucky i didn't blind myself.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
We have one who does not know how to use a seatbelt.
We have another who does not know how to use a handbrake.
Perhaps these 2 could teach each other how to use the respective devices?