Got the T-Shirt
22 and a half years as feeder driver. ( 34 total years as a truck driver ). Was hired off the street.
Transferred into Sparks , NV for last 17.
Always clean, uniforms spotless.
Always took safety and the work seriously. My biggest fear was getting into an accident and hurting someone. I was big on safety. Watched all the films they had. Was on safety committee.
Was driver of the month one time. Got a plaque and special parking spot near the guard shack for that.
Was very proud of that.
Was proud to do the best job I could. My hero growing up was Lou Gehrig. I wanted to come to work every day
and give 110%. Of course it was not always the case. In the winter we sometimes had to chain both ways over Donner
Summit 2-3 sometimes 4 days in a row and that can make you pretty tired.
But I tried.
The last year I was a driver mentor. Took the new drivers on a ride along after they had an accident. I always thought that was
one the smartest things UPS at my hub implemented. My center manager knew it was better to have an experience driver do this
rather than an on road supe that only had some training in Chicago.
The center manager ( a very good guy ) asked me not to retire as this program was doing so well but it was time to hang it up.
I'm just sad on the direction UPS is going....
I'm sure you can understand why people question your experience with UPS.
It's almost "to good.... to be true".