Man of Great Wisdom
Our appearance to the customer gets worse each year, and it has nothing to do with uniforms or shoes.
I agree, and do the similar, I have lock codes for gates, and businesses, I also have a key chain that would choke a rhino. But it is with a careful understanding between the customer and me that if I enter a gated area, and get confronted by anyone other than who allowed me access, I will make my best explaination, but if they don't seem to like it, then the game is over.When you say close at 6pm does that mean that they are a gated community? If so, may I suggest you get to know one of the residents who frequently gets pkgs and ask them for the entry code. I would think leaving would not be an issue, just getting in.
Lead on oh most thoughtful master!!!!!!!!!!!!!Dill
Since you were the catylist for the thread, you actually deserve the Kudos I got for expressing it.
As for the subject you just brought up, hows about we start another thread, and I will Give you my take.
When you say close at 6pm does that mean that they are a gated community? If so, may I suggest you get to know one of the residents who frequently gets pkgs and ask them for the entry code. I would think leaving would not be an issue, just getting in.
I agree, and do the similar, I have lock codes for gates, and businesses, I also have a key chain that would choke a rhino. But it is with a careful understanding between the customer and me that if I enter a gated area, and get confronted by anyone other than who allowed me access, I will make my best explaination, but if they don't seem to like it, then the game is over. ...
Might as well love it, because hating it dosen't do any good.
I think what he is talking about is not access, but the ability to leave packages for the residents at the office.
I delivered several large appartment complexes like that. Had it not been for the office taking the packages, I would have had 15 or more sendagains just from those areas. And they did close at 5, So I always tried to get there before then.
99% of the neighbors would not take them either.
IMHO, since you deliver there after the office closes, they should be shown as missed. Even though you attempted delivery, you could have delivered them to the office had you been there during regular business hours.
But EDD knows best.
Still waiting Tie. Guess you don't forgive whatever past transgressions that have occured. Sure wish I knew what it was that I did to piss you off.I'll keep my argument simple for now. Some people do a terrific job of gaining good treatment. Others seem to make theirselves victims all the time. Why is that? What makes one different from the other.
I guess I am confused on this. One of the residents has given you permission to enter a gated community. I do not think that any resident can tell you that you are trespassing. I would bet that the CC&Rs indicate that delivery or service personnel if given permission are able to enter the community.
I can't see how you could get in trouble for that. ????
you want to be a slob,go to fedex ground or dhl you want to look like a ups man and get paid like one??? DRESS LIKE ONE !!!!Oh yeah, shining my shoes is sooooooo important. How many accounts did we lose last year due to dirty shoes? I think I read on foxnews business that the number 1 reason why businesses go bankrupt is because employees won't do what mommie says and shine their shoes... or was that not covering up tattoos? I forget now.
most b.d people wouldn't get in the door unless the customer liked and had respect for the well groomed driver he see's daily and thats a known fact!!I have to disagree a little on this. RPS lost customers because they couldn't do what they said they would do which was deliver packages on time. The same can be said for DHL. They're not losing billions because their driver's won't shower or shave or shine their shoes, they're losing billions because they can't deliver their packages on time.
Maybe we should start a poll to find out how many drivers were told to go to the back door because their shoes weren't shined.
Good rapport between the driver and consignee or shipper, I think that trumps shined shoes any day. Throw in a dash of consistency, and that's really what gets drivers (and BD people) in the front door.
i am not picking on you per say but you are bringing negative attention to yourself!! when they start breaking your stones for the little things and they don't say anything to the next guy, i think you will get the picture!! Grow up wash your wind shield and mirrors and take some pride in your self!!! there is an exit door here and no one will force you back in .everyone is replacable at ups with your attitude its only a matter of time before they come after like the job ? you like the money?? grow up !!!!I guess I don't get it then.
I'll make you a deal. When my truck, windshield and cab gets washed, and the years of waterspots on my mirrors get removed, I'll polish my shoes.
Until then, I'll just blend in with my truck and continue to not get it. why do you insist on being so negative??
Covemaster brings up some good points on appearance. We need to remember that the UPS driver is the number one sales person the company has. a BD person may not get a foot in the door without that positive image the driver has with his/her customer!
Though i can charm the pants of the customer and get that account. I will not do that because the rest of 170 stops is not gonna jump off the pkg car by itself.
Here is something to think about....
How would you feel if a police officer or doctor or your lawyer or fireman looked like a slob? How about a tattoo going across the knuckles or a tear drop next to his/her eye? How about a tat of a skull popping out of the collar of his/her shirt?
If you tell the cop that he must arrest 20 perps everyday from 9-7. The doctor must treat up to 6 people every hour, 8 hrs a day. The fireman must rush to 10 fires every shift. Then you gonna see if they still have the time to keep up their appearance.
Where would your confidence level as they performed their professional duties??? Would you be looking for someone who fits the image of what you expect?
IF they can perform as they are paid to do. yes i would have confidence in their abilities to do the job.
With no prior knowledge of capability....
If you had a choice of a person who looks professional and fits the "image", would you still pick the slob????
If they can get the job done, then I wouldn't care .