Ethics and personal responsibilty


Well-Known Member
While there are always exceptions to every rule , I often find that people are mistreated who allow theirselves to be mistreated.
I never really expected to agree with tie on anything, but if I am reading this right I actually do agree. A lot of people mentioned their dirty cars. I clean my p700 every day, sometimes a quickie, sometimes the heavy artillery comes out. Article 18 section 1 states " All package cars and tractors will be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition including mirrors and windows." The carwashers don't do it, so it falls to me. Every day, customers walk up to say hi or ask a question, I'm not going to be sitting there in a filthy cab with dirty hands. I've had managers and supes on the car with me many times and not once did they say " hey stop cleaning our truck for us". Sitting around expecting to be mistreated makes you an easy target.
It's your job, your uniform, your route, your appearance, your customers. Take pride, always hold doors for people, and most importantly, never piss on someone's bathroom floor.
Thanks for the great post Dan.


From the promised LAND
I agree. You dont get paid to put your uniform on, you do it on your own time. BUt you do, or would get paid to wash your ride. Inside and out. So what is the big deal?

IT goes back to the generation that has everything given to them, and expect everything to be done for them.

IF you dont like the way things are, change them. Work within the system you are given and deal with the problem, not just lip service.

Its like the oil on the floor from the package cars. Add water and you have a real safety issue. While they did assign the solution to a part timer, they rarely ever had him do it. So I did it, after my day on road. And if I happened to not be over 9.5 before I put the absorb on the floor, I was after. And while they moaned and groaned about paying me overtime to do it, when they could have had someone making $8.50, it was their choice, their decision, and I lived and dealt with the reality and did it myself.

So do what you have to do to be clean and safe out on road.
