This might have been discussed in another thread but I couldn't find it so starting it over. In my former life, I was a police officer for 15 years now I'm doing this. Most people who are in law enforcement / para-law enforcement, military are a type "A" personality. I am not going to articulate anymore but, I most definitely am a type A personality
I find that most, not all, of the people who work the front lines at brown (loaders, pre-loaders, and drivers) are of the type A personality.
I too was a police officer, but I'm a bit of an anomaly. I have characteristics of both A & B. I'm competitive at times, but very relaxed at others. I sometimes have a sense of urgency when working and sometimes I coast through the day. I'm hostile when provoked, aggressive or rather assertive when I need to be, but I'm also one who wants to talk about problems and conflicts and get them resolved and behind me. I often express my feelings.
I'm a take charge authoritative kind of guy who tends to end up leading things even if I don't try to, but I'm also perfectly fine being lead by another as long as that person is smarter than me or has a better plan (rare at UPS).
I'm very organized when it comes to my truck. Everything needs to be in the place I've designated for it--air pickups need to be in their spot, high values, ground pickups, etc. When things can't be the way I plan them to be I find myself getting irritable. I'm the opposite for most things outside of work. My car can go a couple of weeks of things being all out of place and sometimes even some trash on the floor. When I was a bachelor my house was usually a mess, however everything had a place in the cupboards and if something was out of place, I'd get annoyed. This carried over to married life. My wife will sometimes put plastic cups on the shelf with the glasses and I have to move them. Touch of OCD maybe?
So, as you can see, I don't really fit into either box.