Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
They are going to vote next Weds. on his "contempt of court" and a bunch of Dems. are suppose to go along and vote for contempt charges. We'll see.
Now who's naive,Kay?

This vote will come down on party lines, it will clear the committee, but will NOT clear the house. Its a political football the GOP is gambling on. ISSA's useless committees to nowhere have no traction with the majority of the american public.

If they did, congress wouldnt have a 10% approval rating.

There are GOP members in the house that do not believe this is the right thing to do at this time in the election cycle.

THese hearing have been a joke so far ( on the GOP) and after recieving tens of thousands of pages, the GOP and ISSA have found N O T H I N G useful to call discovery.

The joke is on the GOP.




golden ticket member
Holder is crooked and shifty..............he's a rat.

How long can Obama protect his ass without becoming part of the image himself? I think it's already too late, but the kool-aid drinkers are still worshipping at the altar!!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Leaving aside for one moment the question of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence, there are 3 fact I know to be true regarding the hype and media coverage of the case.

1) If Zimmerman was black....the murder would not have made the national news. There wouldnt be any protest or public outcry, and we wouldnt be talking about it here.

2) If Travon Martin was white...the murder would not have made the national newa. There wouldnt be any protests or public outcty, and we still wouldnt be talking about it here.

3) If Zimmerman had used a knife or a blunt object instead of a gun to kill Trayvon Martin...the murder would still be unsloved. There wouldnt be any protests or public outcry, and we wouldnt be talking about it here.


Well-Known Member
Leaving aside for one moment the question of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence, there are 3 fact I know to be true regarding the hype and media coverage of the case.

1) If Zimmerman was black....the murder would not have made the national news. There wouldnt be any protest or public outcry, and we wouldnt be talking about it here.

2) If Travon Martin was white...the murder would not have made the national newa. There wouldnt be any protests or public outcty, and we still wouldnt be talking about it here.

3) If Zimmerman had used a knife or a blunt object instead of a gun to kill Trayvon Martin...the murder would still be unsloved. There wouldnt be any protests or public outcry, and we wouldnt be talking about it here.

zimmerman is not black and martin is not white. lets throw out the hypatheticals. i believe we should have some dialog about this. not only was this crime racially motivated

but also its about some gun yeilding kook that shouldnt been carrying in the first place. statistically speaking, crimes using a knife are usually cases where the victim

knows the perp. this is not the case.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Zimmermans wife arrested for perjury. I guess LIEING runs in the family. At this point, Zimmerman has no credibility and his story ( allbeit B.S. ) is already more B.S. than the first time he told it.

Its clear Zimmerman is a liar and this will come back to haunt him at trial.

Neither Zimmerman or his wife has any credibility left for his trial. There is no way Zimmerman takes the stand in his case. They would tear him to schreds.




Staff member
Leaving aside for one moment the question of Zimmerman's guilt or innocence, there are 3 fact I know to be true regarding the hype and media coverage of the case.

1) If Zimmerman was black....the murder would not have made the national news. There wouldnt be any protest or public outcry, and we wouldnt be talking about it here.

2) If Travon Martin was white...the murder would not have made the national newa. There wouldnt be any protests or public outcty, and we still wouldnt be talking about it here.

3) If Zimmerman had used a knife or a blunt object instead of a gun to kill Trayvon Martin...the murder would still be unsloved. There wouldnt be any protests or public outcry, and we wouldnt be talking about it here.

1) If Zimmerman was black, he would have been charged in the first place.

2) This may be true. But let's not pretend that justice is dealt out equally between the races. The evidence against that is overwhelming.

3) If Zimmerman had used a knife and his story about self defense is credible, there is a much better chance that Martin would not be dead. I think the protests had less to do with color than the appearance (at least) that the police department handled things poorly. I believe they have a history of that.


golden ticket member
Zimmermans wife arrested for perjury. I guess LIEING runs in the family. At this point, Zimmerman has no credibility and his story ( allbeit B.S. ) is already more B.S. than the first time he told it.

Its clear Zimmerman is a liar and this will come back to haunt him at trial.

Neither Zimmerman or his wife has any credibility left for his trial. There is no way Zimmerman takes the stand in his case. They would tear him to schreds.


So, wait for the trial and look for the "schreds" !!


Staff member
Zimmermans OWN attorney says his clients CREDIBILITY is TARNISHED.

That doesnt help his client.



All those money transfers she did. He HAS an attorney. Wouldn't he have asked his attorney how they should handle the money? It just seems so stupid.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All those money transfers she did. He HAS an attorney. Wouldn't he have asked his attorney how they should handle the money? It just seems so stupid.

Dishonest people deserve whats coming to them.

I look forward to both the conviction for manslaughter and perjury. I also look forward to seeing his wife in jail for 12 months for lying to the courts.

THen I would like to see both of these morons on posters for the right wing.




Strength through joy
Dishonest people deserve whats coming to them.

I look forward to both the conviction for manslaughter and perjury. I also look forward to seeing his wife in jail for 12 months for lying to the courts.

THen I would like to see both of these morons on posters for the right wing.


Is this another dream for you, just like the outcome for Gov. Walker ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Is this another dream for you, just like the outcome for Gov. Walker ?

It aint a dream slick, zimmerman is still in jail and his wife spent a day there and bailed out.

With no credibility, his story no longer holds water. Sorry bub, but the handwriting is on the wall.




golden ticket member
When the whole story gets into the courtroom, there's not going to be statements like that lady in congress made... the one with the big hat, because it's just what she thinks. All the judge wants to hear is FACTS. So when someone with a big hat says 'Z' shot down trayvon in cold blood....just shot him down right in the street!!

Well, she wasn't there and she didn't see anything.

Many voices will be silenced because they dont have any facts and they are going to have to shut up and listen.


Strength through joy
I wonder if bhos will be called ?
The defense could have a nice time asking him why he had to get involved.
What his motive was ?
And how much of a damage award he would be willing to pay .
Why ?
You might ask ?
Show me where in his oath of office pledge it is written that he has to inject his personal opinions into a local law enforcement case ?
If some need to be reminded , the Gates vs The Cambridge Police Dept , " the police acted stupidly ".
Does he plan on another WH beer summit ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I wonder if bhos will be called ?
The defense could have a nice time asking him why he had to get involved.
What his motive was ?
And how much of a damage award he would be willing to pay .
Why ?
You might ask ?
Show me where in his oath of office pledge it is written that he has to inject his personal opinions into a local law enforcement case ?
If some need to be reminded , the Gates vs The Cambridge Police Dept , " the police acted stupidly ".
Does he plan on another WH beer summit ?

I see you leaped off the desperation bridge, eh?

Remember this, the president of the UNITED STATES does not have to answer to supeonas from courts. If he did, he would have had to show up to the 100's of wasted filings by ORLY TAINT and Alan Keyes.




Strength through joy
By the time this case goes to trial , bhos will be a private unemployed person.
By the way as president where is it written that he can disregard other court decisions that ruled against him ?
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