Zimmerman case - Found Not Guilty

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Für Meno :)
He is innocent until proven guilty....that's the law. What part is too confusing for you?
It doesn't matter what I think of him or of Treyvon.

I don't know why you insist on saying we support him over and over again. I don't know him. Until he has a trial, he's innocent. That's not me protecting him, that's THE LAW. Get it? That's the LAW!! Put down the damn beer.

Why didn't that system work under G.W Bush ?
He went to war presuming weapons of mass destruction - none were found !
I never forget that day when our Canadian PM told Bush, show us the proof, and he couldn't ! So, we didn't join the Iraq war.


golden ticket member
Why didn't that system work under G.W Bush ?
He went to war presuming weapons of mass destruction - none were found !
I never forget that day when our Canadian PM told Bush, show us the proof, and he couldn't ! So, we didn't join the Iraq war.
Do you see "my little pony" in your special world? Rainbow unicorns perhaps?


Strength through joy
Since some here want to presume that no trials are needed , let's just find them all guilty and move on .
Would anyone care to comment on this..........
New Black Panther “Spiritual Leader” Arrested On Weapons Charges Claims He Was “Set Up By The White Devil”…

You may remember Minister Hashim Nzinga, he was the one handing out fliers declaring a $10,000 bounty on George Zimmerman’s head.
In a recent interview on Black Panther radio, New Black Panther Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz had a very ‘spiritual’ discussion with Minister Hashim Nzinga, the appointed Spiritual Leader of the Panthers. Min. Nzinga, 49, was just released from the DeKalb County Jail in Atlanta last week after serving 150 days for possessing a firearm as a convicted felon.
Nzinga was convicted in February of deposit account fraud. In March, while on probation for that felony, Nzinga allegedly sold a handgun to a pawn shop. He was arrested at the home of his probation officer on March 26th.
Nzinga is most notorious for his posting a $10,000 bounty for the the capture of George Zimmerman, the man who killed Trayvon Martin. The highly controversial Martin case is ongoing in Florida, with Zimmerman currently being charged with second degree murder.
In his first interview after being released, Nzinga declared that he was innocent and that his entire incarceration was a “set up by this white devil.”

Via The Blaze


TOS, look at these C9ners ! If shooting and killing a teenager wasn't enough, they even defend child rape ! LMAO

Translation: TOS, look at these meanies ganging up on me. Come save me!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Why didn't that system work under G.W Bush ?
He went to war presuming weapons of mass destruction - none were found !
I never forget that day when our Canadian PM told Bush, show us the proof, and he couldn't ! So, we didn't join the Iraq war.

The problem with these folks Klein, is that they all went ALL IN on a losing hand, and none of them want to fold. They would rather lose all their chips on this hand rather than fold it to you or I.

I am sure more garbage will come out on Zimemrman, but they will still be in his corner. Doesnt matter if he raped a kid, beat up his girlfriend, or was arrested several times, he's an all american because he killed a black kid, and that suits them just fine.




Strength through joy
The death rate is stilling climbing in Chicago, yet none of the media attention is focus there.
No they would rather follow a non-story about an assault and battery case in which a mixed race man defended himself within the law against a drugged up teen who had safely made it back to his residence in the rain , but had to go back and prove how tough he thought he really was.


Für Meno :)
Chicago has more then twice the shooting victums than all of Canada !
Scary !

Well, if allowing guns are the answer for less crime, than the US should be the safest country on earth - but it's quite the opposite !


Well-Known Member


Strength through joy
With all the false media hype going around ; doctored pictures , edited media reports , misleading pictures of TM's actual appearance , a dead or alive bounty offered by a violent racist group who could expect a fair trial.
So why not muddle the waters even more.


Staff member
Or maybe a high profile client like Zimmerman is a potential cash cow for a lawyer savvy enough to market him to the right demgraphic.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe his lawyer allowed him to do that interview.

This is one of the few cases that I am going to have to agree with Jones. Even the slickest of lawyers will slip up and give an inconsistent statement that a prosecutor can use against them in a court of law. Zimmerman is handing the prosecutors a treasure trove of statements to use against him when his court date finally nears guaranteeing him a tougher battle when he reaches that point. This is why you simply don't talk to the police or give public statements in these kind of situations. Even the most truthful, innocent, and honest statements can be used against you in a court to convict you of a crime you did not otherwise commit.

I know this is long, but if anyone has the extra 48 minutes to spare you can learn a lot about why you don't do what Zimmerman is doing. I felt sorry for the guy watching him getting crucificed by the media using false narratives and incomplete evidence, but at this point all I can do is shake my head and watch as this circus plays out.

Dont Talk to Police - YouTube


golden ticket member
Why did they quit their jobs so they could travel the country exploiting their son’s death?
(AP) — Trayvon Martin’s mother has asked for an undisclosed amount of money from a state fund set up to help crime victims with things like funeral expenses and counseling, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

The documents, obtained through a public records request, show Sybrina Fulton applied for the compensation benefits after her son was fatally shot last February by neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in a gated community in Sanford, Fla. It was not immediately clear how Martin’s family would use the money.
The state Attorney General’s Office, which administers the Crimes Compensation Trust Fund, refused to disclose the sum sought by Fulton and her former husband, Tracy Martin. Payouts can reach $30,000.

Zimmerman, 28, has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder and says he shot the 17-year-old in self-defense under Florida’s “stand your ground” law. The law allows people to use deadly force, rather than retreat, if they believe their lives are in danger. He is free on $1 million bond as he awaits trial. Zimmerman wasn’t charged until 44 days after Martin’s death, and in those weeks protesters accused the Sanford police department of being racist and botching the investigation.

In a March 29 letter, a claims analyst with the Attorney General’s Office notified Fulton that she had been deemed eligible for the compensation benefits. However, no check had been issued to Martin’s parents as of early August.


Für Meno :)
I wished people would rather donate funds to victums, such as those in the theatre or now in the church.
Seen a news article that some don't have health insurance, and those bills are in 6 figures and more that they own.

But, No, your "stand your ground" guy, he gets 6 figures donated !
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