‘Most Dangerous Figure in American Politics’


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I’ll pass on the moving to California. While I was born there, I haven’t lived there since I was six and from what I’ve seen, it’s nothing like it was when I was young. So, pass.
You’re freedom’s are being taken away in Florida! Head to California! That’s what that idiot Newsome says. I laughed out loud when I heard it. Can’t make it up.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
That scared liberals who attacked anything like that as white supremists or racists.
Which is crazy to me. How could an American NOT want our country to be better and be about Americans first? We've all seen what’s happened with trying to save the world, it’s bankrupting us and causing many countries to hate us. Not to mention all the people we’ve lost in wars.


Well-Known Member

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Ever hear of Stephen Decatur? And just because one group said something does that mean that idea must never be used? Do you think China puts its country first in dealing with other countries? Of course it does. Has policies in place to protect its own industries.
I would think most, if not almost all countries put themselves first.


Well-Known Member
Which is crazy to me. How could an American NOT want our country to be better and be about Americans first? We've all seen what’s happened with trying to save the world, it’s bankrupting us and causing many countries to hate us. Not to mention all the people we’ve lost in wars.
Immigrants have always made this country better.

which countries hate us? Certainly not the European countries. Islamic countries hate us because of our religion. Dictatorships hate us because of our freedom.

we are nowhere near bankrupt, and never will be. We should use our standing and power to raise the rest of the world up to our standard of living. If we did that, everyone would love us, and they wouldn’t have to come here because their country would be just as good.

every immigrant I have met would rather be in their own country if they could live there with our standard of living.