‘Most Dangerous Figure in American Politics’

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Immigrants have always made this country better.

which countries hate us? Certainly not the European countries. Islamic countries hate us because of our religion. Dictatorships hate us because of our freedom.

we are nowhere near bankrupt, and never will be. We should use our standing and power to raise the rest of the world up to our standard of living. If we did that, everyone would love us, and they wouldn’t have to come here because their country would be just as good.

every immigrant I have met would rather be in their own country if they could live there with our standard of living.
I agree, immigrants HAVE made this country better. I doubt you could find too many Americans who disagree with that.

I seriously doubt even if we (America) poured every dime at our disposal into some Third World countries that we could bring them up to our standard of living. Look what happened in Afghanistan. We were there for twenty years. True, we did bring up their SOL to some degree, but as soon as we left it reverted back to how it was before we were there. Some countries are so deeply ingrained in their culture that they have no desire to move into the 21st century. There is too much corruption that is a normal part of their daily lives.

I’ve met immigrants who had a better SOL of living where they came from but still came here for the American Dream. And then there are others, like an Ethiopian friend of mine who has been a member of their Parliament, an Ambassador, and has held other high level jobs for and in her country. She went to a university in New Orleans and I once asked her why she didn’t move here. She told me because she would be a “nobody” here.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Immigrants have always made this country better.

which countries hate us? Certainly not the European countries. Islamic countries hate us because of our religion. Dictatorships hate us because of our freedom.

we are nowhere near bankrupt, and never will be. We should use our standing and power to raise the rest of the world up to our standard of living. If we did that, everyone would love us, and they wouldn’t have to come here because their country would be just as good.

every immigrant I have met would rather be in their own country if they could live there with our standard of living.
I guess rather than saying “hate” I should have said “resent”.


Well-Known Member
I agree, immigrants HAVE made this country better. I doubt you could find too many Americans who disagree with that.

I seriously doubt even if we (America) poured every dime at our disposal into some Third World countries that we could bring them up to our standard of living. Look what happened in Afghanistan. We were there for twenty years. True, we did bring up their SOL to some degree, but as soon as we left it reverted back to how it was before we were there. Some countries are so deeply ingrained in their culture that they have no desire to move into the 21st century. There is too much corruption that is a normal part of their daily lives.

I’ve met immigrants who had a better SOL of living where they came from but still came here for the American Dream. And then there are others, like an Ethiopian friend of mine who has been a member of their Parliament, an Ambassador, and has held other high level jobs for and in her country. She went to a university in New Orleans and I once asked her why she didn’t move here. She told me because she would be a “nobody” here.
Thank you for that response, it was well thought out and rational, unlike many of the responses here.

I don’t think we should use Afghanistan as a comparison for anything. We didn’t go to Afghanistan to build them a new country, we went there to kill people.

I may return to this later with more thoughts.


IE boogeyman
Immigrants have always made this country better.

which countries hate us? Certainly not the European countries. Islamic countries hate us because of our religion. Dictatorships hate us because of our freedom.

we are nowhere near bankrupt, and never will be. We should use our standing and power to raise the rest of the world up to our standard of living. If we did that, everyone would love us, and they wouldn’t have to come here because their country would be just as good.

every immigrant I have met would rather be in their own country if they could live there with our standard of living.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Thank you for that response, it was well thought out and rational, unlike many of the responses here.

I don’t think we should use Afghanistan as a comparison for anything. We didn’t go to Afghanistan to build them a new country, we went there to kill people.

I may return to this later with more thoughts.
While that may be true, we also spent billions trying to rebuild their country.


Well-Known Member
We should use our standing and power to raise the rest of the world up to our standard of living. If we did that, everyone would love us, and they wouldn’t have to come here because their country would be just as good.

Do you truly believe that? We've poured mega billions into foreign aid for decades. A lot of countries are controlled by relatively small groups who hog their country's wealth for themselves. And often skim off our aid for themselves. Back before we started demanding accountability there were jet setting Africans living extravagantly on our foreign aid while most of their citizens lived impoverished lives. At the same time we're giving all of this aid we have huge problems with poverty and homelessness in the U.S. that no one seems willing or able to solve. Which is why "America First" resonates with so many here. Let's solve our opioid crisis. Let's make sure everyone who wants a job gets one. Let's make our transportation costs affordable so people can afford a car. Let's make our streets safe so people can come and go without fear. We shouldn't be squandering money on countries that have seen little change until we fix our problems at home.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Do you truly believe that? We've poured mega billions into foreign aid for decades. A lot of countries are controlled by relatively small groups who hog their country's wealth for themselves. And often skim off our aid for themselves. Back before we started demanding accountability there were jet setting Africans living extravagantly on our foreign aid while most of their citizens lived impoverished lives. At the same time we're giving all of this aid we have huge problems with poverty and homelessness in the U.S. that no one seems willing or able to solve. Which is why "America First" resonates with so many here. Let's solve our opioid crisis. Let's make sure everyone who wants a job gets one. Let's make our transportation costs affordable so people can afford a car. Let's make our streets safe so people can come and go without fear. We shouldn't be squandering money on countries that have seen little change until we fix our problems at home.
Does that dude realize we send most of those countries foreign aid


Well-Known Member
I agree, immigrants HAVE made this country better. I doubt you could find too many Americans who disagree with that.

I seriously doubt even if we (America) poured every dime at our disposal into some Third World countries that we could bring them up to our standard of living. Look what happened in Afghanistan. We were there for twenty years. True, we did bring up their SOL to some degree, but as soon as we left it reverted back to how it was before we were there. Some countries are so deeply ingrained in their culture that they have no desire to move into the 21st century. There is too much corruption that is a normal part of their daily lives.

I’ve met immigrants who had a better SOL of living where they came from but still came here for the American Dream. And then there are others, like an Ethiopian friend of mine who has been a member of their Parliament, an Ambassador, and has held other high level jobs for and in her country. She went to a university in New Orleans and I once asked her why she didn’t move here. She told me because she would be a “nobody” here.
Over the years looking at expat forums I've seen numerous young adults who are tired of the grind in the U.S. asking about best places to get jobs overseas. They're always told, often to their dismay, that other countries protect the jobs of their citizens and even if you could land one it wouldn't pay very much. Told their best bet is to get into something in the U.S. that has a pension, and retire to one of those countries with the income you bring. Even if you have to wait for Social Security. It's kind of ironic that we have naive Americans who think it's got to be better elsewhere and at the same time there are people making long journeys just to get here thinking once they do they'll have it made. And then find the U.S. is very expensive and you have to work long hours just to get by. At least we have opportunities here and often the newcomers put us to shame with their work ethic because they know they'd never get the opportunity back home. But people should remember that most of the people in those countries stay there because they're not all willing to break their backs all day to get the brass ring in a foreign country.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Do you truly believe that? We've poured mega billions into foreign aid for decades. A lot of countries are controlled by relatively small groups who hog their country's wealth for themselves. And often skim off our aid for themselves. Back before we started demanding accountability there were jet setting Africans living extravagantly on our foreign aid while most of their citizens lived impoverished lives. At the same time we're giving all of this aid we have huge problems with poverty and homelessness in the U.S. that no one seems willing or able to solve. Which is why "America First" resonates with so many here. Let's solve our opioid crisis. Let's make sure everyone who wants a job gets one. Let's make our transportation costs affordable so people can afford a car. Let's make our streets safe so people can come and go without fear. We shouldn't be squandering money on countries that have seen little change until we fix our problems at home.
Or they need a college degree for any ljob.