He also said that "he who does not believe is condemned" not "he who is not baptized is comdemned".
But what of it? Believe and be baptized vs just believe. The point is you are not earning your salvation, even the wealthy young man who Jesus acknowledged followed the law could not save himself through acts. James' had the best explanation of salvation by faith vs salvation through good deeds. Faith without works is dead. Good deeds aren't enough by themselves. Just as baptism is an outward sign of your faith, so are good deeds, but those actions do not save you, your belief in Jesus and He who sent him saves you.
If something written by one of the apostles doesn't quite make sense, I always go to the actual authority, and do my best to interpret what they said within the context of the teachings of Jesus. Even some things Jesus taught I can't explain, but he is still the one Teacher, the rest of us are brothers.
No faith.. no baptism.
Baptism is no more earning than faith is. Why are you making baptism a work and not faith? Jesus made neither a work. Both are simple acts of obedience to a command.
In the text in James, I like what he says about faith. If it’s alone it’s dead
So a faith that is alive and pleasing to God is an obedient faith, one that simply wants to do whatever ever the word requires and for whatever reason.
Also in James 2 , the devil’s believe , but it did the no good ll
Please give the scripture that teaches what you stated that baptism is an outward sign of your faith.
The apostles writings are by the authority Jesus.
The entire NT is the Lord’s last will and testament. Paul said of Peter that he had written some things hard to understand, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t understand it.
Some of the Apostles writings are not discussed by Jesus, but still as authoritative.