Binge Poster
No partiality. He loves everyone equally.The guide God gave you is the same one he gave everyone. You get no special treatment or revelation. What sayeth the scripture?
You don’t need to claim to have the answer. It’s in black and white in the N.T.
Simply because there are different beliefs about a Bible subject means nothing.
Paul told the Ephesians there was only one baptism. I don’t care how many beliefs there are, an Apostle said there is just one for us.
Peter told the Jews in Acts 2 : 38 upon repenting, it was for the remission of their sins.
God will be your guide. Just like he is everyone’s guide. He speaks ,guides , and gives instructions through his written word.
He wrote it down for everyone for all ages. You get no special treatment , revelation or guidance from God. For God is “ not a respecter of persons” God shows no partially.
Once I accepted His love, received the free gift of Salvation through Jesus His Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit my eternity was sealed but better yet I have been able to at times experience His kingdom here on earth and the trajectory of my life was and is forever changed.