“The Body of Christ” with Integrity (On Topic Only”


Binge Poster
There are are no more important words than God’s word .
Jesus said “ If you love me , you’ll keep my commandments “
Might do you well to search the scriptures and just see what that is. I assure you, the words of the scripture have eternal consequence. It matters what one believes.
Yes and in those 2 commandments are freedom.

Freedom of love freely received and love freely given not tied to or constrained by a written code or law but an alive relationship born of love freely received and freely given.

Born of God’s love for the world.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I am not following your reasoning here but that is fine. It is very clear that 2 people can read something, anything and both get something different from it.

Happened in English Lit. Class all the time.
You miss the point.
Yeah you can get something different.
Both your conclusions can be wrong.
But both cannot be right.
There is only one right answer no matter how you feel about yours.
The idea that one believes one thing and another believes something else and both are right doesn’t work anywhere.
Seems when it comes to what God says, everybody’s right no matter what one believes but it’s not acceptable in Eng Lit class.


Binge Poster
I answer your questions with scripture. Not with a “I think”
You keep telling me I’m entitled to believe whatever I want. As Paul told the Corinthians, “ I believe what’s written.”
You answer nothing that I have asked you .
If I have neglected to answer any questions, I am truly sorry. I try to answer them all.

Let me know and I will answer any missed.

I will try to be more careful.



Binge Poster
I answer your questions with scripture. Not with a “I think”
You keep telling me I’m entitled to believe whatever I want. As Paul told the Corinthians, “ I believe what’s written.”
You answer nothing that I have asked you .
I will try to be more careful with answering all questions.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes and in those 2 commandments are freedom.

Freedom of love freely received and love freely given not tied to or constrained by a written code or law but an alive relationship born of love freely received and freely given.

Born of God’s love for the world.
Sorry, there’s a lot more in the “written code” (God’s Word) that you minimize than 2 commandments.
God didn’t waste his time with the rest of the code as you call it.
Just a guess but my money is on he meant for his instructions to be obeyed.


Binge Poster
Your faith is a dead faith if it’s not the faith found in scripture.
That seems a little condemning but you are free to believe this.

My faith is not in scripture but in the God. God does happen to be written about in the scriptures that you refer.

My faith is in God, a God who loves me, and in His Son Jesus who being one with the Father, came down to Humanity and lived among us. He was born, he lived , he showed us by His teachings how to live for our good, not condemnation.

He died a sinners death and rose again and is alive today.

This all by the power of the Holy Spirit who he left with us to live inside of us,


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That seems a little condemning but you are free to believe this.

My faith is not in scripture but in the God. God does happen to be written about in the scriptures that you refer.

My faith is in God, a God who loves me, and in His Son Jesus who being one with the Father, came down to Humanity and lived among us. He was born, he lived , he showed us by His teachings how to live for our good, not condemnation.

He died a sinners death and rose again and is alive today.

This all by the power of the Holy Spirit who he left with us to live inside of us,
How do you know God loves you?
Mmmmmm must have read it somewhere... now where could it be...
Reject the scripture, reject God.
Again, let God teach you something..
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing capes from the word of God.”
The faith that is acceptable to God is found only in the word of God.
From your comments, your faith is what you have decided and not what God wants.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
This all by the power of the Holy Spirit who he left with us to live inside of us,
The power of the Holy Spirit is that he revealed God’ mind in the form of words so we can know what God wants.
The Holy Spirit dwells in us , no doubt. The Bible teaches that.
But, I’ll ask again, and please give me a Bible answer, not what you feel.
Is the Holy Spirit dwelling in you personally?
If so, how and when did he get in you?
What has the Holy Spirit taught you or done for you separate and apart from the word of God?
If he has, how did he?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes and in those 2 commandments are freedom.

Freedom of love freely received and love freely given not tied to or constrained by a written code or law but an alive relationship born of love freely received and freely given.

Born of God’s love for the world.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ --Mathew 7:21-23

Looks like the code ( the will of the Father) is a serious thing.
On judgement day, many will feel like they were right, but will be lost because they taught and practiced lawlessness ( without authority) when it comes to serving God.
I'd be finding out what HIs will is. Not mine. Just sayin'.


Binge Poster
You miss the point.
Yeah you can get something different.
Both your conclusions can be wrong.
But both cannot be right.
There is only one right answer no matter how you feel about yours.
The idea that one believes one thing and another believes something else and both are right doesn’t work anywhere.
Seems when it comes to what God says, everybody’s right no matter what one believes but it’s not acceptable in Eng Lit class.
I believe the Bible needs to be spiritually discerned and not read in a black or white way.

I have no problem with anyone’s approach to the Bible that has to be between the person and God.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I believe the Bible needs to be spiritually discerned and not read in a black or white way.

I have no problem with anyone’s approach to the Bible that has to be between the person and God.
Sorry. Words are black and white. Even God's.
What is someone's" approach to the Bible? "
Spiritually discerned ? What is that? Where is that in scripture?
Please explain.


Binge Poster
How do you know God loves you?
Mmmmmm must have read it somewhere... now where could it be...
Reject the scripture, reject God.
Again, let God teach you something..
“Faith comes by hearing and hearing capes from the word of God.”
The faith that is acceptable to God is found only in the word of God.
From your comments, your faith is what you have decided and not what God wants.
Was taught the love of God through my parents?

Finally accepted the truth of God’s love for me at the end of myself and the bottom of a bottle of booze.

Have been seeking to be as close to the God of the Universe ever since.

I personally don’t believe the Bible is necessary to walk in faith, but I sure love it and find it important and useful. I view it as a sacred gift.

Faith alone in Christ Alone . God’s love spoken to Humanity.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Was taught the love of God through my parents?

Finally accepted the truth of God’s love for me at the end of myself and the bottom of a bottle of booze.

Have been seeking to be as close to the God of the Universe ever since.

I personally don’t believe the Bible is necessary to walk in faith, but I sure love it and find it important and useful. I view it as a sacred gift.

Faith alone in Christ Alone . God’s love spoken to Humanity.
Not one verse of Bible in any of this.

“Faith alone is dead.” — James 2


Binge Poster
You think they were all different denominations or were they all united in faith and doctrine?
"Is Christ divided?" 1 Cor: 1:1
Not one verse of Bible in any of this.

“Faith alone is dead.” — James 2
I thought it was clear.

I do not strictly and I definitely don’t exclusively base every belief I have on the Bible.

I don’t believe in it. I have no problem with those that do.

I have great friends who do and I respect that.

We have mutual respect and love for each other regardless of our differences.

We agree on much, we focus on what we are in agreement on and leave the beliefs or areas where we may not agree between the individual and God.

I don’t talk in Bible verse.


Binge Poster
Not one verse of Bible in any of this.

“Faith alone is dead.” — James 2
Agreed a faith without works is not a living vibrant faith, but as long it is a true faith regardless of success in works, I believe it is enough.

Some true believers struggle mightily for various reasons, it is not for me to judge or condemn them.

I desire to love them as God loves me, unconditionally.