1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
The South surrendered and had no insurgency.
The Phillippines did not mount an insurgency.
Russian neighbors didn't mount insurgencies. Afghanistan did, and that's why the Russians lost there.
The British Empire was eventually overturned by insurgencies.

It's like you're refusing to even read what the point is.

Anyone can be defeated. But successful occupation requires the other party to surrender, or you have to kill them all. Eventually, if the local populace wants the occupier to leave, they will be forced to leave.
Ah contraire. But I noticed Beamer already pointed it out. You made a point of saying that there's no point invading because insurgencies will always win out. Not true and history is full of examples. But I would prefer we kept to defending ourselves and allies rather than getting involved in regional conflicts.


Well-Known Member
Half baked facts as usual. KKK is a shadow of its former self. Moro rebels failed. The Soviets were not chased out of Czechoslovakia, and the British relinquished colonies in large part because of insurgents or a hostile population.
But he was saying that even if you totally crush a country insurgents will kick you out within ten years. Not so. The British were in some countries for almost two hundred years. If not longer. The Filipino insurgency failed, that's the point. They didn't kick us out. The Philippines however were a prime example of the U.S. running them well and peacefully handing over power.


Strength through joy

Switzerland Approves Assisted ‘Suicide Capsule’​

The country’s medical review board has just given authorization for use of the Sarco Suicide Pod.
To qualify to use the pod, the person who wants to die must answer an online survey that is meant to prove whether they are making the decision of their own accord.
If they pass, they will be told the location of the pod and given an access code.
Once inside, the person intending to end their life will have to answer pre-recorded questions and press a button that will start the process of flooding the interior with nitrogen, which will quickly reduce the oxygen level inside from 21 percent to 1 percent.
“The person will get into the capsule and lie down,” he said, adding, “It’s very comfortable.”
He said the person will likely feel disorientated or euphoric.
“The whole thing takes about 30 seconds,” he said “Death takes place through hypoxia and hypocapnia, oxygen and carbon dioxide deprivation, respectively. There is no panic, no choking.”

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Switzerland Approves Assisted ‘Suicide Capsule’
The country’s medical review board has just given authorization for use of the Sarco Suicide Pod.
To qualify to use the pod, the person who wants to die must answer an online survey that is meant to prove whether they are making the decision of their own accord.
If they pass, they will be told the location of the pod and given an access code.
Once inside, the person intending to end their life will have to answer pre-recorded questions and press a button that will start the process of flooding the interior with nitrogen, which will quickly reduce the oxygen level inside from 21 percent to 1 percent.
“The person will get into the capsule and lie down,” he said, adding, “It’s very comfortable.”
He said the person will likely feel disorientated or euphoric.
“The whole thing takes about 30 seconds,” he said “Death takes place through hypoxia and hypocapnia, oxygen and carbon dioxide deprivation, respectively. There is no panic, no choking.”
Sick! our world is sick!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Switzerland Approves Assisted ‘Suicide Capsule’​

The country’s medical review board has just given authorization for use of the Sarco Suicide Pod.
To qualify to use the pod, the person who wants to die must answer an online survey that is meant to prove whether they are making the decision of their own accord.
If they pass, they will be told the location of the pod and given an access code.
Once inside, the person intending to end their life will have to answer pre-recorded questions and press a button that will start the process of flooding the interior with nitrogen, which will quickly reduce the oxygen level inside from 21 percent to 1 percent.
“The person will get into the capsule and lie down,” he said, adding, “It’s very comfortable.”
He said the person will likely feel disorientated or euphoric.
“The whole thing takes about 30 seconds,” he said “Death takes place through hypoxia and hypocapnia, oxygen and carbon dioxide deprivation, respectively. There is no panic, no choking.”
Why don’t we use that to put condemned prisoners to death?


Well-Known Member
Ah contraire. But I noticed Beamer already pointed it out. You made a point of saying that there's no point invading because insurgencies will always win out. Not true and history is full of examples. But I would prefer we kept to defending ourselves and allies rather than getting involved in regional conflicts.
I unblocked you for a few weeks thinking may you'd learned to read. Back on the block list.