1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
You freedom loving Americans sure like to force your beliefs and morals on others.
Not forcing anything on anybody. Free will brother, go for it. However what I am advocating for is everyone having their own opinion. And my opinion is that they’re sick! Are you saying your not a freedom loving American? That’s not really an insult FYI. At least not for me, maybe you.


Well-Known Member
People think that the reason abortion is so terrible is because it’s the taking of an innocent life, but really, sin is bad because it offends God. And this takes precedence over all things. There is nothing worse than offending God. This is why the first ammendment is probably an even bigger offense to God than killing human children in the womb.


Well-Known Member
I definitely do want to force my morality on others, because I believe in God. My goal is to see the kingship of Christ established in all nations, as should be every Christian. Separation of church and state is a heretical belief and if you believe that bull:censored2: you seriously need to go to confession.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I definitely do want to force my morality on others, because I believe in God. My goal is to see the kingship of Christ established in all nations, as should be every Christian. Separation of church and state is a heretical belief and if you believe that bull:censored2: you seriously need to go to confession.
Yeah, I’d rather repent to god then a priest, thanks. You cant force anything on people, even god does not force anything on you. He gave each of us free will, because that is the only thing that can bring about true love. I will gladly share my view and try to convince you it is right, but I can’t force your hand. Abortion is bad because you are sinning in taking a life. No more, no less. The Bible teaches you not to do it. It’s not rocket science. Our government should govern by the laws of the bible. not killing is supposed to extend to every life, but right now is excluding the lives of the un-born. We can do what we can to try and change it and pray for our leaders, but you have no right to force anything on anyone.


Well-Known Member
I would have all anortionists and the women and men involved executed for sure, if Big Guy was emperor.
Yeah, I’d rather repent to god then a priest, thanks. You cant force anything on people, even god does not force anything on you. He gave each of us free will, because that is the only thing that can bring about true love. I will gladly share my view and try to convince you it is right, but I can’t force your hand. Abortion is bad because you are sinning in taking a life. No more, no less. The Bible teaches you not to do it. It’s not rocket science. Our government should govern by the laws of the bible. not killing is supposed to extend to every life, but right now is excluding the lives of the un-born. We can do what we can to try and change it and pray for our leaders, but you have no right to force anything on anyone.
Martin Luther didn’t need a priest for confession, now he’s in Hell. Have fun.


Well-Known Member
Lol, the Bible says you don’t need to rely on anyone but Jesus Christ to stay out of hell. So, I feel pretty good about it.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say to rely on only the written word. In fact, it says to rely on both the word AND oral tradition. Sola scriptura isn’t in the Bible because it’s not biblical. The magesterium is a gift from Christ to help you reach your salvation.


Well-Known Member
Nowhere in the Bible does it say to rely on only the written word. In fact, it says to rely on both the word AND oral tradition. Sola scriptura isn’t in the Bible because it’s not biblical. The magesterium is a gift from Christ to help you reach your salvation.
Sounds like a bunch of papal bull to me.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Nowhere in the Bible does it say to rely on only the written word. In fact, it says to rely on both the word AND oral tradition. Sola scriptura isn’t in the Bible because it’s not biblical. The magesterium is a gift from Christ to help you reach your salvation.
So, Christ isn’t good enough? You need the magisterium? No, that is made up doctrine, produced by man, not god. The Bible in numerous places says salvation lies in faith in Christ. That he died for you, and rose again 3 days later. That is the only way into heaven.

The Driver

I drive.
Americans should feel free to try.

I fully support nationalisms across the world, and if they want to lock Americans out, that is their prerogative.
I believe society can be held together by a stronger idea than mere nationalism. Nationalism results in more suffering.

If nations across the world wanted to close off their borders to American capitalists, American workers, American immigrants, American goods and American services there would be more suffering here and there. Think agriculture. How much has starvation and extreme poverty been reduced even in just the past 50 years? It's amazing.

Edit: Grammar
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Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say to rely on only the written word. In fact, it says to rely on both the word AND oral tradition. Sola scriptura isn’t in the Bible because it’s not biblical. The magesterium is a gift from Christ to help you reach your salvation.


Well-Known Member
Nationalism isn’t strong enough. This is why you’re seeing men build cathedrals again in Russian and even Xi is starting to revive old cultural religions of China. Without a religious faith, your society is bound to collapse extremely fast.

The Driver

I drive.
Like what?
See: Preamble to the Constitution.
See also: "Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness"

Limited government. Government shouldn't close off borders to trade as a part of normal business. This limits liberty and pursuit of happiness.

I think the travel bans should be lifted shortly, for example. The omicron variant is here already and it was here already.


Inordinately Right
I believe society can be held together by a stronger idea than mere nationalism. Nationalism results in more suffering.
Like what?
See: Preamble to the Constitution.
See also: "Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness"
Why do you think the Constitution opposes nationalism? It seems to do the opposite.

Why do you think life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness cannot exist in a sovereign nation pursuing the interest of it's citizens above all others? History seems to prove the opposite is true.


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Nowhere in the Bible does it say to rely on only the written word. In fact, it says to rely on both the word AND oral tradition. Sola scriptura isn’t in the Bible because it’s not biblical. The magesterium is a gift from Christ to help you reach your salvation.
"But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matthew 15:9