1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
Is this your next laughably ridiculous claim? Forty nine year old Roe v Wade NOT finished law? If
R v W is not an established legal precedent and finished law then exactly which prior rulings are and are NOT finished law?

You're trying to do something akin to Tex. He tries all the time to try and cherry pick social program legislation. There's no bigger supporter of the social programs that benefit him than old Tex. While at the same time there's no louder critic of those programs that don't benefit him than Tex.

Now 50 years ago this nation was 80% white and Christian. Today, that number is less than 50% and the overturning of Roe is not likely to impact those numbers in a way that favors whites. This nation's birthrate is the lowest since 1930 . No SCOTUS is going to have much of an impact on those numbers. Today's American woman is keenly aware of the fact that she has nobody to count on but herself and will continue to place her own self preservation at the top of her agenda and you cannot blame her.

States should follow Ohio's example. Get the resources in place NOW if in the event that there is an upward surge in the number of unwanted babies. Ohio isn't buying the thumpers and lifers nonsense about them all being adopted. The numbers say otherwise.

Full responsibility for creating this mess lies with the thumpers and pro lifers and as the saying goes....."if you're not p[art of the solution...then you're part of the problem.
Was 200 years of marriage definition a settled law?


Well-Known Member
Is this your next laughably ridiculous claim? Forty nine year old Roe v Wade NOT finished law? If
R v W is not an established legal precedent and finished law then exactly which prior rulings are and are NOT finished law?

You're trying to do something akin to Tex. He tries all the time to try and cherry pick social program legislation. There's no bigger supporter of the social programs that benefit him than old Tex. While at the same time there's no louder critic of those programs that don't benefit him than Tex.

Now 50 years ago this nation was 80% white and Christian. Today, that number is less than 50% and the overturning of Roe is not likely to impact those numbers in a way that favors whites. This nation's birthrate is the lowest since 1930 . No SCOTUS is going to have much of an impact on those numbers. Today's American woman is keenly aware of the fact that she has nobody to count on but herself and will continue to place her own self preservation at the top of her agenda and you cannot blame her.

States should follow Ohio's example. Get the resources in place NOW if in the event that there is an upward surge in the number of unwanted babies. Ohio isn't buying the thumpers and lifers nonsense about them all being adopted. The numbers say otherwise.

Full responsibility for creating this mess lies with the thumpers and pro lifers and as the saying goes....."if you're not p[art of the solution...then you're part of the problem.
You can't even get your numbers straight. The U.S. white, none Hispanic population is 57.8%. If you include Hispanic whites it's over 61%. And guess what? A lot of those Hispanics are against abortion.


Well-Known Member
Roe should have never happened. It should have been up to the individual states whether they allowed abortion or not. SCOTUS just righted a 49 year wrong, that's all.
And now that it is a state problem generating enough tax revenue to fully fund their departments of health and human services to the full extent the state law and constitution requires may in turn require increases in state and local taxes.

So tell me , just exactly what specific measures do you stand willing and prepared to make to ensure that your state meets it's lawfully required funding obligations? By your own admission you haven't paid federal taxes in years. So what are you going to do the help your state's department of health and human services? After all it was the department that paid for your heart surgery. So what are you going to d to reciprocate.

In the end Tex this will indeed all come down to money. You thumpers, MAGA's and pro lifer's created this mess. It's not incumbent upon the evil liberals to figure out what to do .


Well-Known Member
You can't even get your numbers straight. The U.S. white, none Hispanic population is 57.8%. If you include Hispanic whites it's over 61%. And guess what? A lot of those Hispanics are against abortion.
Pay attention to the numbers I said "white AND Christian".


I'm a star
I don’t really see it as manufacturing legislation. In fact, I see it as an “eye roll” that a lot of things have to be spelled out the way they do. Gay marriage for instance. It’s not as if government HAS to be involved in marriage at all. But if it is going to be, then it should treat all citizens the same.

Even the 14th amendment itself. I imagine it’s writers thinking, “WTF?!? We just had a friend n war, an emancipation proclamation and still we have to further clarify?!?”
Yeah, the way the constitution and laws are interpreted relies heavily on prevailing thought at the time. The 14th amendment was completely unnecessary with the proper interpretation of the constitution. The 13th was as well, with the same interpretation, but when you have precedent allowing for things like slavery, that can give people an argument for interpreting the constitution their way. Precedent as a doctrine is neither allowed for by the constitution, nor can it override the constitution.

Or civil rights legislation. How many times does the US government need to explain the rights of all its citizens no matter their social or biological makeup?

And it’s possible that the founders never intended for much of this to happen. Maybe they never intended for women to vote. Maybe blacks were to remain forever slaves or second class citizens. In that case friend the founder and we aren’t going back to where Justice Thomas would have us go. Call it Divine Providence.

Past a certain point, what the founders intended is irrelevant, and I really don't like it when people use their version of what the founders intended as an argument for their own pov.

El Correcto

god is dead
The objection is to using the 14th amendment as a way for the court to manufacture legislation. Most unenumerated rights are derived from the 9th and 10th amendments, with privacy already being affirmed by the 4th amendment.
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

I would say marriage falls under privileges, it’s not an enumerated right, it is a special classification for couples under law that comes with certain perks in the tax code.

I would say sex falls under life and liberty. It really would be outlawing a significant portion of a man’s life if you make it illegal for him to have sex with another consenting adult.


Well-Known Member
And now that it is a state problem generating enough tax revenue to fully fund their departments of health and human services to the full extent the state law and constitution requires may in turn require increases in state and local taxes.

So tell me , just exactly what specific measures do you stand willing and prepared to make to ensure that your state meets it's lawfully required funding obligations? By your own admission you haven't paid federal taxes in years. So what are you going to do the help your state's department of health and human services? After all it was the department that paid for your heart surgery. So what are you going to d to reciprocate.

In the end Tex this will indeed all come down to money. You thumpers, MAGA's and pro lifer's created this mess. It's not incumbent upon the evil liberals to figure out what to do .
And it will be up to each State to decide, not your all encompassing Federal government. I doubt seriously that abortion services are guaranteed in any state constitution nor are health services. And so what? I live in a no income tax state. If a state wants to fund all of that more power to them. But it in no way amounts to the over the top exaggerations you always claim.
Did you go to church yesterday? I did.

It’s also not faith if praying is done under orders.
Did you ask forgiveness for supporting murdering babies?


Well-Known Member
Did you go to church yesterday? I did.

It’s also not faith if praying is done under orders.
No need to be disingenuous, no one was ordered to pray.
Initially the coach went out by himself and later some players asked if they could join him.

You don't help your cause when you misrepresent the facts.


Well-Known Member
Gays have been living the handmaid's tale forever.
Take advantage of poor women and pay them sums they can't refuse to carry a baby.


Well-Known Member
And it will be up to each State to decide, not your all encompassing Federal government. I doubt seriously that abortion services are guaranteed in any state constitution nor are health services. And so what? I live in a no income tax state. If a state wants to fund all of that more power to them. But it in no way amounts to the over the top exaggerations you always claim.
Did you ask forgiveness for supporting murdering babies?
I'll ask for forgiveness within 24hours after you repay the department of health and human services the $107,000 it needless had to pay simply because you were too stubborn to buy health insurance but lectured the rest of us on the matter of personal responsibility.

Secondly, a number of states with the strictest abortion laws are also the states that refused to enroll in the ACA's federal Medicaid program. So if you, Wilber, DIDO/Union Strong etc reside in one of those states then when you go to church on Sunday you be damn sure to put in that collection plate a wad of cash big enough to choke a horse. Prenatal care, post natal care, food, clothing, housing, education that's all on you now.

So when Billy Joe Sixpack breeds Bobby Sue his 15 year old sister who has to carry the kid to term we'll see how many of Wilbur's Evangelical families are going to want that inbred kid. The fact that it is an inbred will be very difficult to hide.


I'm a star
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

I would say marriage falls under privileges, it’s not an enumerated right, it is a special classification for couples under law that comes with certain perks in the tax code.

I would say sex falls under life and liberty. It really would be outlawing a significant portion of a man’s life if you make it illegal for him to have sex with another consenting adult.

Nope, marriage can't be seen as a privilege because tax reasons. That's putting the cart before the horse. Marriage would fall under all three, because the point of a marriage is to provide a stable situation through which survival becomes easier, and cradle to grave needs can be taken care of. The tax benefits awarded to married couples would be seen as the privelege, which is earned when married couples provide the benefit to society of helping create and raise the next generation. You can argue that the 14th amendment should affirm equal tax privileges for gay couples and straight couples, but the arguments can start going down rabbit holes from there.