And it will be up to each State to decide, not your all encompassing Federal government. I doubt seriously that abortion services are guaranteed in any state constitution nor are health services. And so what? I live in a no income tax state. If a state wants to fund all of that more power to them. But it in no way amounts to the over the top exaggerations you always claim.
Did you ask forgiveness for supporting murdering babies?
I'll ask for forgiveness within 24hours after you repay the department of health and human services the $107,000 it needless had to pay simply because you were too stubborn to buy health insurance but lectured the rest of us on the matter of personal responsibility.
Secondly, a number of states with the strictest abortion laws are also the states that refused to enroll in the ACA's federal Medicaid program. So if you, Wilber, DIDO/Union Strong etc reside in one of those states then when you go to church on Sunday you be damn sure to put in that collection plate a wad of cash big enough to choke a horse. Prenatal care, post natal care, food, clothing, housing, education that's all on you now.
So when Billy Joe Sixpack breeds Bobby Sue his 15 year old sister who has to carry the kid to term we'll see how many of Wilbur's Evangelical families are going to want that inbred kid. The fact that it is an inbred will be very difficult to hide.