1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.

El Correcto

god is dead
It was fair to question the situation, considering the doctor went to the media before the police. It was clear her intent was to push her political agenda rather than help a child. Turns out the girl wouldn't have had to cross state lines to be able to have her baby blended up and vacuumed out of her. It's sad that people keep falling for lies because they lack the capacity to think for themselves. It's going to get even more political when they admit to who the suspected rapist is.
Do you think rape babies should be forced carried to term, no exception?

El Correcto

god is dead
What is over the line and not okay is believing 13 year old girls are women and that women should have to explain themselves for wanting to abort a rape baby.

Kind of silly stuff.


Well-Known Member
Imagine being part of the 13 year old women statutory rape baby cult. :)
I had a retort, but I'll just point out that you don't think things through. Why would a rape victim carry a baby to the point it has developed a heartbeat, feels pain, has brain function? Why wouldn't she want to terminate it right away? What you're going to end up with is women in States that don't allow abortion except for rape or incest claiming they were raped in order to get rid of the baby. So put rules on it. If you were raped, get it terminated right away. And I'm guessing that States that allow for rape or incest also allow a certain time frame like 12 or 14 weeks to get it done for any woman, raped or not, so that they don't have to lie to get a procedure. If a woman lives in a state that doesn't allow for any reason she probably won't have to travel far. But at any rate the power is in the hands of each state as it should be, and all the sneering and smearing you do won't change that.

El Correcto

god is dead
I had a retort, but I'll just point out that you don't think things through. Why would a rape victim carry a baby to the point it has developed a heartbeat, feels pain, has brain function? Why wouldn't she want to terminate it right away? What you're going to end up with is women in States that don't allow abortion except for rape or incest claiming they were raped in order to get rid of the baby. So put rules on it. If you were raped, get it terminated right away. And I'm guessing that States that allow for rape or incest also allow a certain time frame like 12 or 14 weeks to get it done for any woman, raped or not, so that they don't have to lie to get a procedure. If a woman lives in a state that doesn't allow for any reason she probably won't have to travel far. But at any rate the power is in the hands of each state as it should be, and all the sneering and smearing you do won't change that.
Most women don’t know they are pregnant until 5 weeks of pregnancy, 5 weeks is around the time heart beat starts.

You want rape victims to be constantly monitoring themselves for pregnancy when they are probably in a state of utter devastation. Even worse you want these 13 year old “women” who might try to hide the rape or excuse the rape yo have to come forward immediately with it and decide right then and there because of what your religion demands.

El Correcto

god is dead
So your rationale is that the dad is a rapist?

At what age do you think it should be illegal to kill a child because of a crime their parents committed?
We aren’t discussing killing a child.
We are discussing a woman’s choice.
Only a sith deals in absolutes.

BTW fixed it for you
Yea you can get technical about a pregnancy and at the end of the day that would be a child and yes it’s life is forfeit, but not because the father is a rapist, but because the woman doesn’t deserve to have to go through that. The woman doesn’t deserve to have to carry her rapist’s baby to term. To add a further dehumanization to a rape victim is a monstrous thing. If a woman decides she will do it, great, but enough has already been forced on that woman and she doesn’t have to.

It’s exactly what I’d say to any woman in my family who was raped and weighing the decision.

El Correcto

god is dead
Babies aren't children?
I’ve always consider fetuses babies and have always addressed them as such.
I’m realistic and not delusional about what the morality behind letting a woman terminate a rape pregnancy is. I’m not delusional about abortion like you used to be.

I’ve always seen it as an evil society had gone too far with. But now I see the stance you’re taking yet again, but bizarrely on the opposite spectrum as another evil.

Once it is a rape child we are discussing a woman’s health. Just like we would be discussing a woman’s health in case of a pregnancy that would kill her. In my eyes they are two of the same, is that not a child you’re killing to save a woman during a complicated pregnancy? There is a moral judgement call even by religious folk to save the life of the mother, I make that moral judgement call and so does most of society if not basically everyone at rape as well.

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm not sure why you went in that circle.
So I'll ask you again:
We are discussing a rape pregnancy. I’d say up until birth for extenuating circumstances in rape cases. There is too many what ifs In the scenario of a young girl or woman being raped to give a definitive answer. Women hide rapes out of shame, might not get help or realize they pregnant. I don’t know their lives, neither do you or these stupid prick Christians who believe their god sent the rapist in some sick plan.