1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
I’m not extreme pro life. I’m regular pro life.
I’m 100% for you aborting any offspring you might have. I think your mom may have made a mistake as well, but that’s beside the point.

Kill as many babies as you want, just pay for your damn self. Capeesh?
If you live in one of those 16 new banned abortion states and it's legislature tells you that you will help pay for the expanded number of foster care kids and more mothers than before applying for support services.....you will most definitely pay .

If the state wants to ban abortion then the state can pay those additional costs and guess who they're going to to get the money?

Now that you've taken upon yourself your own little save the babies crusade.....they will be saved.....because you going to help pay the cost of raising them . Something for which you currently seem to be in denial.


Well-Known Member
If you live in one of those 16 new banned abortion states and it's legislature tells you that you will help pay for the expanded number of foster care kids and more mothers than before applying for support services.....you will most definitely pay .

If the state wants to ban abortion then the state can pay those additional costs and guess who they're going to to get the money?

Now that you've taken upon yourself your own little save the babies crusade.....they will be saved.....because you going to help pay the cost of raising them . Something for which you currently seem to be in denial.
Yah, because no one managed to raise kids before legal abortion. And the government paid for everyone's babies with high taxes.


Well-Known Member
If you live in one of those 16 new banned abortion states and it's legislature tells you that you will help pay for the expanded number of foster care kids and more mothers than before applying for support services.....you will most definitely pay .

If the state wants to ban abortion then the state can pay those additional costs and guess who they're going to to get the money?

Now that you've taken upon yourself your own little save the babies crusade.....they will be saved.....because you going to help pay the cost of raising them . Something for which you currently seem to be in denial.
But I already said you should extinguish your offspring. For the greater good of course, who do I make the check out to? 😂


Inordinately Right
If you live in one of those 16 new banned abortion states and it's legislature tells you that you will help pay for the expanded number of foster care kids and more mothers than before applying for support services.....you will most definitely pay .

If the state wants to ban abortion then the state can pay those additional costs and guess who they're going to to get the money?

Now that you've taken upon yourself your own little save the babies crusade.....they will be saved.....because you going to help pay the cost of raising them . Something for which you currently seem to be in denial.
How many children do you have?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Pull the plug on the entire welfare state. There will be short term pain obviously but it will self correct and will be for the better in the long run.


Well-Known Member
As I said before I live in a state where abortion is still legal and will remain that way for the foreseeable future. However, if you live in one of those 16 states that have banned abortion forcing women to carry a fetus to full term, that's fine because that's what you wanted. That along with something you might not have wanted.....You're going to pay to raise the kid....Especially if you live in one of the 5 abortion banned states that voted not to join the expanded Medicaid plan.....Sucks to be you.


Inordinately Right
As I said before I live in a state where abortion is still legal and will remain that way for the foreseeable future. However, if you live in one of those 16 states that have banned abortion forcing women to carry a fetus to full term, that's fine because that's what you wanted. That along with something you might not have wanted.....You're going to pay to raise the kid....Especially if you live in one of the 5 abortion banned states that voted not to join the expanded Medicaid plan.....Sucks to be you.
Once again, you're pro baby murder because you don't want higher taxes.

How many children do you have?


Well-Known Member
Once again, you're pro baby murder because you don't want higher taxes.

How many children do you have?
And obviously neither do you but if you live in a banned abortion state you'll be paying to raise all the babies you saved. If so then just keep your mouth shut and stroke a nice fat check payable to your state's department of revenue.


Well-Known Member
They’re just money suckers. They suck money out of all the people who work and find something to spend it on. There is always some kind of government program that needs funded.
Including the ones that will support you in your old age. Oh, and who taught you how to read and write?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
If you live in one of those 16 new banned abortion states and it's legislature tells you that you will help pay for the expanded number of foster care kids and more mothers than before applying for support services.....you will most definitely pay .

If the state wants to ban abortion then the state can pay those additional costs and guess who they're going to to get the money?

Now that you've taken upon yourself your own little save the babies crusade.....they will be saved.....because you going to help pay the cost of raising them . Something for which you currently seem to be in denial.
Just like the states with sanctuary cites can pay for the illegals. Oh, wait they’re crying to the feds for money. Hypocrite