1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
Restricting access to books qualified professionals deem inappropriate for their age group is one thing.....Censorship is an entirely different matter especially when unqualified religious zealots try to impose it on public school systems funded by public dollars coming from people of all religions or no religion at all.
The parents were protesting books depicting graphic sexual acts. The Left was characterizing that as book banning. I don't think you have to be a religious zealot to want to protect your child from that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Regardless of your position on abortion your statement on Roe vs Wade is still bassacwards
How is it backwards? The overturning of Roe vs Wade took rights away from a woman.
That was the wrong thing to do from a GOP standpoint.
Today's woman has the right and the power to respond in kind to any injustice any man does to her.
And Tuesday's results sent a strong message to men everywhere who still believe and wrongly that they can still control her.


Well-Known Member
8 months? Only if the mother's life is in peril. If a woman wants an abortion then get it right away, no waiting around. I once had a coworker who got pregnant to a man who dragged his feet in regard to divorcing his first wife. This young woman waited until well into at least her second trimester for the guy to make up his mind. Finally she went and had an abortion and got on with her life.

Abortion at least in some ways actually protects a woman from men like this guy. In fact an NBC News poll taken last year 59% of main line Christians polled supported abortion rights.

As long as women have a weakness for handsome "bad boy" types taking advantage of their good looks and seductive power women will always need and should be granted abortion rights.

The irony is that as a woman grows a bit older and become a better judge of character they are no longer attracted to the "bad boy" types but instead become attracted to the "caregiver" type.
And yet abortion advocates are pushing for abortion on demand at any time for any reason. And say the mother is the only one to decide why and when.

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
It does if your a man who still thinks that he can control a woman.....Not today's woman. Try it and you'll regret it.
Child… there is a child involved……a woman in our part of the country just got convicted of murder for throwing her baby away…why is 12 months after conception any different from 3 months….woman’s rights woman’s rights woman’s rights….it’s a phrase that is used only by people who want no responsibility…..I see your womans rights but until you recognize that this side of the argument sees a child being murdered you will get nowhere with it.


Well-Known Member
How is it backwards? The overturning of Roe vs Wade took rights away from a woman.
That was the wrong thing to do from a GOP standpoint.
Today's woman has the right and the power to respond in kind to any injustice any man does to her.
And Tuesday's results sent a strong message to men everywhere who still believe and wrongly that they can still control her.
How did it take rights away? Was abortion abolished?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
This is how I imagine your usual BC leftist's relationship with women typically goes.



Well-Known Member
The parents were protesting books depicting graphic sexual acts. The Left was characterizing that as book banning. I don't think you have to be a religious zealot to want to protect your child from that sort of thing.
So a bible thumper with a GED and a preachers license is qualified to invade a public school board meeting demanding removal of books that contrasts with his religious ideology?
If he doesn't like it....he can start his own Christian school.
That's if he can find the money, has enough followers who can pay the tuition, find teachers willing to work for nothing
and willing to be totally subjugated to his rule.


Well-Known Member
So a bible thumper with a GED and a preachers license is qualified to invade a public school board meeting demanding removal of books that contrasts with his religious ideology?
If he doesn't like it....he can start his own Christian school.
That's if he can find the money, has enough followers who can pay the tuition, find teachers willing to work for nothing
and willing to be totally subjugated to his rule.
So concerned parents are Bible thumpers with a preacher's license? I don't want a ten year old reading books describing oral sex or books with pictures showing sex acts. If you want prepubescent children looking at such things then maybe what people say about a certain political party that supports such things really is full of groomers.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Roe vs Wade pushed nothing onto the American people other than affording a woman the right to choose for herself whether not or not to have an abortion. What is being pushed onto them now are the demands by the pro lifers and religious zealots that they be denied that right for no other reason than an effort to forcibly impose a set of religious or moral ideology that the woman does NOT have to bow to or be controlled by.

If you wish for your own life to be governed and controlled by that set of religious or moral rules whose creation in which you had no say whatsoever that's perfectly fine but as long as America remains a representative democracy and not a clergy controlled theocracy then it doesn't mean that everyone else has to do the same as you.
Sounds like the GOP was shocked to discover that the measure passed. The people of Ohio have spoken and they want the right to an abortion to stand and the size of the majority vote proves it conclusively. Instead of letting it go and move on the Ohio GOP is digging an even deeper hole for itself come next year and beyond.
Once again America is not a Christian nation or a theocracy. It is a representative democracy. If you want to live under the thumb of a bunch of nonelected clergy there are plenty of other countries where you can live out your days under the thumb of an unelected autocratic clergyman .
8 months? Only if the mother's life is in peril. If a woman wants an abortion then get it right away, no waiting around. I once had a coworker who got pregnant to a man who dragged his feet in regard to divorcing his first wife. This young woman waited until well into at least her second trimester for the guy to make up his mind. Finally she went and had an abortion and got on with her life.

Abortion at least in some ways actually protects a woman from men like this guy. In fact an NBC News poll taken last year 59% of main line Christians polled supported abortion rights.

As long as women have a weakness for handsome "bad boy" types taking advantage of their good looks and seductive power women will always need and should be granted abortion rights.

The irony is that as a woman grows a bit older and become a better judge of character they are no longer attracted to the "bad boy" types but instead become attracted to the "caregiver" type.
Restricting access to books qualified professionals deem inappropriate for their age group is one thing.....Censorship is an entirely different matter especially when unqualified religious zealots try to impose it on public school systems funded by public dollars coming from people of all religions or no religion at all.
1. Oil dollars dictates foreign policy.
2. The Federal Reserve Chairman runs the economy.
3. The funding bill Biden has asked Congress for contains more money for border security.
It does if your a man who still thinks that he can control a woman.....Not today's woman. Try it and you'll regret it.
How is it backwards? The overturning of Roe vs Wade took rights away from a woman.
That was the wrong thing to do from a GOP standpoint.
Today's woman has the right and the power to respond in kind to any injustice any man does to her.
And Tuesday's results sent a strong message to men everywhere who still believe and wrongly that they can still control her.
So a bible thumper with a GED and a preachers license is qualified to invade a public school board meeting demanding removal of books that contrasts with his religious ideology?
If he doesn't like it....he can start his own Christian school.
That's if he can find the money, has enough followers who can pay the tuition, find teachers willing to work for nothing
and willing to be totally subjugated to his rule.


Well-Known Member
Child… there is a child involved……a woman in our part of the country just got convicted of murder for throwing her baby away…why is 12 months after conception any different from 3 months….woman’s rights woman’s rights woman’s rights….it’s a phrase that is used only by people who want no responsibility…..I see your womans rights but until you recognize that this side of the argument sees a child being murdered you will get nowhere with it.
I an fortunate to live in a state where abortion is still legal and prospects of a repeal anytime soon are minimal. However16 states have enacted total or nearly total abortion bans since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade . If you live in one of those states and it's a state that has in it's constitution both a child welfare and protection clause that has to be supported no matter the cost and a balanced budget clause and combined with continued GOP demands for entitlement program cuts which are likely to include fewer federal dollars going to state operated child welfare programs.....well pal...you could find yourself paying for a kid that isn't even yours.

You and the others are angry because I took a different approach by mentioning the possibility of having to provide additional funding support in the way of higher fees and or taxes in one form or another.

So please bask in the glow of the passage of a piece of social legislation you support....until you share of the bill arrives in your mailbox.


Well-Known Member
I an fortunate to live in a state where abortion is still legal and prospects of a repeal anytime soon are minimal. However16 states have enacted total or nearly total abortion bans since the overturning of Roe vs. Wade . If you live in one of those states and it's a state that has in it's constitution both a child welfare and protection clause that has to be supported no matter the cost and a balanced budget clause and combined with continued GOP demands for entitlement program cuts which are likely to include fewer federal dollars going to state operated child welfare programs.....well pal...you could find yourself paying for a kid that isn't even yours.

You and the others are angry because I took a different approach by mentioning the possibility of having to provide additional funding support in the way of higher fees and or taxes in one form or another.

So please bask in the glow of the passage of a piece of social legislation you support....until you share of the bill arrives in your mailbox.
People in those states believe child welfare starts in the womb. As does child protection.


Well-Known Member
Tx, Okla, La, Miss, Ala, Ga, SC, Tenn, Ark, Mo, Ky. WVa , Ind, SD,ND, Idaho. 16 states who have passed total or near total ban on abortion since the overturning of Roe vs Wade.
24 states have restrictions of some sort. 14 have a full ban. But you didn't answer my question. Was abortion abolished? Nope, even those in banned states can still go to another state. Hey, they want to kill their baby to avoid the inconvenience it will cause them so they can put up with some inconvenience getting their baby killed.


Well-Known Member
People in those states believe child welfare starts in the womb. As does child protection.
And if there is an explosion in the demand for publicly funded prenatal and post natal child welfare services are the people of those states willing and prepared to provide the necessary funding without the need to go to Washington and ask for more money?

If those states can independently provide in full the needs of neglected and under served kids that have to be taken into state care without the need to become federal grant beggars they will be given the opportunity to do so.

The legislatures of those 16 states alone took it upon themselves to ban abortion . From this point onward it will be up to them the address the consequences on their own.


Well-Known Member
And if there is an explosion in the demand for publicly funded prenatal and post natal child welfare services are the people of those states willing and prepared to provide the necessary funding without the need to go to Washington and ask for more money?

If those states can independently provide in full the needs of neglected and under served kids that have to be taken into state care without the need to become federal grant beggars they will be given the opportunity to do so.

The legislatures of those 16 states alone took it upon themselves to ban abortion . From this point onward it will be up to them the address the consequences on their own.
What did people do before people like you insisted the government pay for everything?

How come you're avoiding defending your position that little kids should be able to look at people sucking and :censored2: ing in school libraries?


Well-Known Member
24 states have restrictions of some sort. 14 have a full ban. But you didn't answer my question. Was abortion abolished? Nope, even those in banned states can still go to another state. Hey, they want to kill their baby to avoid the inconvenience it will cause them so they can put up with some inconvenience getting their baby killed.
And who do you think should pay for the abortion? Should those states where abortion is still legal be required to bear the cost of performing an abortion on an indigent nonresident whose only reason for being there is that they're a resident of a state that banned abortion?

What if US HHH refuses to fund the procedure and or the state of the nonresident patient refuses to pay it or the state the patient went to refuses to pay it?


Well-Known Member
And who do you think should pay for the abortion? Should those states where abortion is still legal be required to bear the cost of performing an abortion on an indigent nonresident whose only reason for being there is that they're a resident of a state that banned abortion?

What if US HHH refuses to fund the procedure and or the state of the nonresident patient refuses to pay it or the state the patient went to refuses to pay it?
Did you really just ask who should pay for an abortion? I don’t know, who should pay for your car? or your Big Mac? Or your oil change. What the hell is wrong with you?


Well-Known Member
What did people do before people like you insisted the government pay for everything?

How come you're avoiding defending your position that little kids should be able to look at people sucking and :censored2: ing in school libraries?
Handing out food stamps like candy and by granting tax deductibility to hospital donations along with requiring hospitals to add surcharges onto coded medical procedures in order to create a charity reserve in order to pay the hospital bill for somebody too cheap to buy health insurance..... The beneficiaries think that is perfectly alright because THEY benefit but bitterly oppose doing something for somebody else.