1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.

El Correcto

god is dead
lol, well you see I do challenge myself all the time, the problem is every time I do science keeps moving the goal post. Steven hawking was absolutely brilliant genius when he came up with the Big Bang theory. Although scientists like to say it’s more like a fact than theory. Now your big think.com is saying something different?, lol. Go figure, I’d never thought.
Yes science is forever improving and bettering its understanding of our reality.
Not trying to sass you, but unlike a book written thousands of years ago that some knuckleheads just accept as an undeniable absolute truth that it clearly isn’t.

El Correcto

god is dead
If I’m being honest I am grossly under qualified to be discussing quantum mechanics and theoretical physics.

But I do listen to people who are qualified to form these complex opinions and have a deeper understanding than me of these things.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Never said he was, you don’t have to believe someone’s experience and that person also doesn’t have to be a liar.

You are trying to turn my opinion of this not happening into some false dichotomy of either Paul is a liar or I am wrong. There is more nuance to it than that.

by a man that never met Jesus, Paul.
Yeah you did. You didn't state it as opinion. It appeared to come straight out of the Google School of Divinity.
Try not to look like an idiot. When it hits you between the eyes, admit it. I promise to do the same.

El Correcto

god is dead
Yeah you did. You didn't state it as opinion. It appeared to come straight out of the Google School of Divinity.
Try not to look like an idiot. When it hits you between the eyes, admit it. I promise to do the same.
There are a lot of problems with the story of Paul’s conversation including the road to Damascus, Paul’s mission to persecute christians given to him by some head Jewish leader, etc.

Even the Bible is contradictory in how it tells Paul’s story of conversion. Which account is correct, they all can’t be correct.


Well-Known Member
For the most part no.
Earliest New Testament letters were written around 20 years after his death by a man that never met Jesus, Paul.

You can sort of get an idea of what might of actually been said by Jesus by comparing the 3 synoptic gospels and where they are in agreement when it comes to his teachings, then you can get an overall idea of what actual claims he made by the historical context of the claim and what would be convincing to lower class Jews of the day. What would get him followers. Him claiming to be on equal footing with god is one of the things he most certainly didn’t say.

If you want to get to historical Jesus you should basically dismiss John and focus on the other three parsing out what would be acceptable for a Jew to say at the time and what claims are made in the three gospels then tossing out what is contradictory or missing out of the three.

You also have to have an understanding of Greek Old Testament, Hebrew Old Testament and the many version of the New Testament written in Greek, Latin, English during different time periods and how they changed over the years.
And you're saying only those who agree with your understanding of how things were/are have a true understanding of Christianity. Not the many thousands of scholars who do have an understanding of the languages. Who do meticulously harmonize the Gospels. Who are well aware of the historical contexts. If they don't see it your way they're just wrong(as charitable as I can characterize your views).

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Yes science is forever improving and bettering its understanding of our reality.
Not trying to sass you, but unlike a book written thousands of years ago that some knuckleheads just accept as an undeniable absolute truth that it clearly isn’t.
lol, did u actually read the article u sent me? They admit they don’t want to look any further than the second after the Big Bang because of what they’ll find. They’re afraid it will point to god. That they will have to actually admit that the laws were just always here and that creates a big big problem for science.
And yet that book written by “knuckleheads is still as correct as science is. Science has proven nothing about the universe that the Bible hasn’t already said.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of problems with the story of Paul’s conversation including the road to Damascus, Paul’s mission to persecute christians given to him by some head Jewish leader, etc.

Even the Bible is contradictory in how it tells Paul’s story of conversion. Which account is correct, they all can’t be correct.
He was Saul when he was persecuting Christians.

El Correcto

god is dead
And you're saying only those who agree with your understanding of how things were/are have a true understanding of Christianity. Not the many thousands of scholars who do have an understanding of the languages. Who do meticulously harmonize the Gospels. Who are well aware of the historical contexts. If they don't see it your way they're just wrong(as charitable as I can characterize your views).
Yes. They do not harmonize the Bible, they just insert magic into it. That isn’t harmonizing that is a ham fisted denial.

You should read some Bart Ehrman and watch him debate people. See which people rely on magic to make a point and which people don’t. I’ve never heard Bart Ehrman claim that magic is involved in his understanding the Bible.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
There are a lot of problems with the story of Paul’s conversation including the road to Damascus, Paul’s mission to persecute christians given to him by some head Jewish leader, etc.

Even the Bible is contradictory in how it tells Paul’s story of conversion. Which account is correct, they all can’t be correct.
Tell me the contradictions.

El Correcto

god is dead
If you want to continue being an idiot that’s fine, but if you want to actually have a conversation let’s make it past the first two sentences and you acknowledge you want to learn and that the Bible isn’t inerrant.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
If I’m being honest I am grossly under qualified to be discussing quantum mechanics and theoretical physics.

But I do listen to people who are qualified to form these complex opinions and have a deeper understanding than me of these things.
Ditto, and those people I listen to says what they see scares them because it points to a higher power

El Correcto

god is dead
Ditto, and those people I listen to says what they see scares them because it points to a higher power
I don’t believe you at all because that article has nothing to do with god.
You’re now annoying me with your delusions.

“Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we can no longer speak with any sort of knowledge or confidence as to how — or even whether — the universe itself began. By the very nature of inflation, it wipes out any information that came before the final few moments: where it ended and gave rise to our hot Big Bang. Inflation could have gone on for an eternity, it could have been preceded by some other nonsingular phase, or it could have been preceded by a phase that did emerge from a singularity. Until the day comes where we discover how to extract more information from the universe than presently seems possible, we have no choice but to face our ignorance. The Big Bang still happened a very long time ago, but it wasn’t the beginning we once supposed it to be.”

From the article.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
If you want to continue being an idiot that’s fine, but if you want to actually have a conversation let’s make it past the first two sentences and you acknowledge you want to learn and that the Bible isn’t inerrant.
Prove that isn’t. Don’t just say it. Let’s see some proof that it isn’t.

El Correcto

god is dead
What’s your point? Our national news agencies and drs doing hormone replacement therapy contradict reality yet you have no quarrel with that.
You have shown me an unwillingness to learn or keep your delusional ego in check.
I can’t really discuss anything with you in an honest way that isn’t gonna just end up at a very stupid bedrock of “god” says so.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I don’t believe you at all because that article has nothing to do with god.
You’re now annoying me with your delusions.

“Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we can no longer speak with any sort of knowledge or confidence as to how — or even whether — the universe itself began. By the very nature of inflation, it wipes out any information that came before the final few moments: where it ended and gave rise to our hot Big Bang. Inflation could have gone on for an eternity, it could have been preceded by some other nonsingular phase, or it could have been preceded by a phase that did emerge from a singularity. Until the day comes where we discover how to extract more information from the universe than presently seems possible, we have no choice but to face our ignorance. The Big Bang still happened a very long time ago, but it wasn’t the beginning we once supposed it to be.”

From the article.
Also from the article. They’re afraid of what they’ll find. Not my words, but theirs. Besides it doesn’t matter, use your common sense. In order for there to be anything there first had to be laws. Where did the laws come from?


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Non liberal

Well-Known Member
You have shown me an unwillingness to learn or keep your delusional ego in check.
I can’t really discuss anything with you in an honest way that isn’t gonna just end up at a very stupid bedrock of “god” says so.
I know, and it’s because you have no other explanation. Because there is no other explanation. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. The answer is right in front of you and I hope someday you look at it with an open mind and heart.