1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Binge Poster

El Correcto

god is dead
You see quoting Jesus as relying on religion? I'm wondering, do you accept the words of Jesus as written in the Bible as valid?
For the most part no.
Earliest New Testament letters were written around 20 years after his death by a man that never met Jesus, Paul.

You can sort of get an idea of what might of actually been said by Jesus by comparing the 3 synoptic gospels and where they are in agreement when it comes to his teachings, then you can get an overall idea of what actual claims he made by the historical context of the claim and what would be convincing to lower class Jews of the day. What would get him followers. Him claiming to be on equal footing with god is one of the things he most certainly didn’t say.

If you want to get to historical Jesus you should basically dismiss John and focus on the other three parsing out what would be acceptable for a Jew to say at the time and what claims are made in the three gospels then tossing out what is contradictory or missing out of the three.

You also have to have an understanding of Greek Old Testament, Hebrew Old Testament and the many version of the New Testament written in Greek, Latin, English during different time periods and how they changed over the years.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
after his death by a man that never met Jesus, Paul.
The account of Saul's conversion is recorded three times in Acts. Saul was persecuting Christians. He received authority to go from Jerusalem to Damascus to arrest Christians in that city and bring them back to Jerusalem. On the way to Damascus, Jesus appeared to Saul in a vision. When Saul saw the man in the vision, he asked, “Who art thou?” The man responded, “I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest.”

BrownFlush 1 Google School of Divinity 0

A requirement to be an Apostle was one had to see Jesus.

El Correcto

god is dead
The account of Saul's conversion is recorded three times in Acts. Saul was persecuting Christians. He received authority to go from Jerusalem to Damascus to arrest Christians in that city and bring them back to Jerusalem. On the way to Damascus, Jesus appeared to Saul in a vision. When Saul saw the man in the vision, he asked, “Who art thou?” The man responded, “I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom thou persecutest.”

BrownFlush 1 Google School of Divinity 0

A requirement to be an Apostle was one had to see Jesus.
Yes I know the story, I don’t believe it though.
That is a way to end the conversation by just saying you believe in a very unlikely myth.
That is an opinion that you are free to hold and I can’t disprove. But it is not very likely to be real and the Bible is not inerrant.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes I know the story, I don’t believe it though.
That is a way to end the conversation by just saying you believe in a very unlikely myth.
That is an opinion that you are free to hold and I can’t disprove. But it is not very likely to be real and the Bible is not inerrant.
What else did Luke write that is not true?

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
We have laws and a government by the people for the people, right?

These can be upheld with due process and without spiritual judgement and condemnation, no?

How do you do this in your personal life?
Yes, man has his rules and laws and god has his. They are two different things however. We should have a righteous government, unfortunately we don’t. Thou shalt not murder is gods law first and foremost, but it is also man’s law. Why are you afraid to condemn murder? Just because the victim is never seen?