1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I’m not catholic. And some sins are worse then others.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Then He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying out to Me from the ground. -Gen.4:10
Always thought about this verse when talking about abortion. This is Abel's innocent blood crying out to God.
I can't think of human blood being more innocent than a baby in the womb. Stop for a minute and think of the millions of innocent voices crying out to God. He hears them all.
Abortion fix it all for you?
Sorry. Like Cain, there will be payment for what you did.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Abortion is bad but more offensive to God is the first amendment of the constitution.
Do you know were the scripture is for that statement?
I mean, unless you have a special deal, the only way I can know what God finds good and bad, More or less offensive to Him is what is in His Word.


Well-Known Member
Do you know were the scripture is for that statement?
I mean, unless you have a special deal, the only way I can know what God finds good and bad, More or less offensive to Him is what is in His Word.

Could you point me to where in the scriptures it says to validate everything by scripture?

I’ll save you the time. You can’t. It doesn’t exist. Scripture AND tradition. This is how the church is always thought, until smart guys like you came along 2,000 years later and start making up your own rules. Lol. You hate Christ. Sad.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Could you point me to where in the scriptures it says to validate everything by scripture?

I’ll save you the time. You can’t. It doesn’t exist. Scripture AND tradition. This is how the church is always thought, until smart guys like you came along 2,000 years later and start making up your own rules. Lol. You hate Christ. Sad.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Could you point me to where in the scriptures it says to validate everything by scripture?

I’ll save you the time. You can’t. It doesn’t exist. Scripture AND tradition. This is how the church is always thought, until smart guys like you came along 2,000 years later and start making up your own rules. Lol. You hate Christ. Sad.
You deflect.
You're the one with a made up statement, pal.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
That would be a waste. He uses the Word like a buffet . Picks and chooses what he likes and disregards what he doesn't because God has told him (he feels it, but can't explain it) he's special and can go with his feelings.
He cherry picks. But he’s above us all because he doesn’t drink. Please….He needs a beer.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Could you point me to where in the scriptures it says to validate everything by scripture?
When you start running your mouth about what God thinks, you better validate it with scripture.
Pretty arrogant and stupid to speak for God without speaking where His Word says it.