1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
Abortion is the Antichrist's demonic parody of the eucharist. That's why it uses the same holy words, "This is my body," with the blasphemous opposite meaning.

-Peter kreeft


Well-Known Member
Abortion is the Antichrist's demonic parody of the eucharist. That's why it uses the same holy words, "This is my body," with the blasphemous opposite meaning.

-Peter kreeft
The eucharist is the demonic resacrifice of that which was already completed, perfect, and never to be offered again.


Well-Known Member
The eucharist is the demonic resacrifice of that which was already completed, perfect, and never to be offered again.

Yeah, yeah. Tell it to the judge. (Literally, of which you’re going to have to account for saying this exact thing, and I pray you aren’t told the words to depart.)

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
you cannot have an honest and moral society (and thus government) while the murder of the unborn is allowed for women to live degenerate lifestyles

religious or demographic arguments pale in comparison to the corrupting effect abortion has on our entire society
You DO realize that not every woman who gets an abortion lives a degenerate lifestyle, right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, yeah. Tell it to the judge. (Literally, of which you’re going to have to account for saying this exact thing, and I pray you aren’t told the words to depart.)
The judge has judged that the sacrifice is complete, once for all, and was already perfect the first time, and will judge the blasphemers who say it was inadequate.

Pretend priests making fake sacrifices are an abomination to the true high priest.


Well-Known Member
The judge has judged that the sacrifice is complete, once for all, and was already perfect the first time, and will judge the blasphemers who say it was inadequate.

Pretend priests making fake sacrifices are an abomination to the true high priest.

It is a re-representation of the same sacrifice. It’s not a new sacrifice.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
“I have to sexually repress myself because the invisible man in the sky told me to, so I’m not going to allow other people to have consequence-free sex and be happy in ways I never will”

-conservatives, definitely


Well-Known Member