1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Inordinately Right
The pregnant woman’s choice.

Sorry, fetus gets no say. Kinda like how a woman can ruin her kid’s life by smoking crack or drinking during pregnancy. Fetus gets no say in that either.
So you believe parents should be able to murder their children. Up to what age?


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Still here. Third trimester abortions are, to borrow a phrase, an infinitely small percentage. Not on my conscience anyway. It’s a woman’s choice.

No you’re not. You don’t care. You’re just bothered by other people having sex.

Not true. Several states want to allow abortion up until delivery.

You truly have an extremely child like basis for your argument. It's as if you're some 9th grade social warrior with the most liberal, mind controlled thought process. People like you scare me.


Well-Known Member


Bad Moon Risen'
this leak was carefully organized . As soon as politico ran it , pundits on the MSM channels already had their talking points. Protestors showeed up immediately with professionally designed protest signs. The danger may be that this case has woken up the sleeping giants. The liberal professional female voters and mainstream female voters.

the politics of abortion constantly swings to extremist arguments.

If the libs had kept abortions at a DNC cleaning up to two months most of the US would have been fine but at some point the libs had to push the envelope and try to take it up to 9 months.

If the conservative side could figure out a time when medical science can still preserve a life and make that their line in the sand then i think the public would be behind them.

instead mississippi tried to take it down to 15 weeks and then took a case to the supreme court. There are good arguments for taking it down to 15 weeks with heartbeat and pain as two of them but at this point medical science has not been able to save a life that young.

I am horrified by the thought of killing a baby with a heartbeat but at some point we have to find a happy medium and move on from this issue. If you believe in a god and a judgement day then at some point you give the best advice you can to whomever faces that decision and you let god decide whether that person made the right decision.

pushing this down to the states is going to change the ball game and take it into an endless stream of extra innings.

I've been arguing my body my choice on the vaccine nonsense for the last two years, I'd be a hypocrite if i tried to force a woman to do something against her will.
But...But I have an obligation to remind everyone that the deciision to abort involves the life of another.
i have an obligation to remind everyone that once we are comfortable with aborting that life there is nothing stopping us from next taking the life of others for other reasons disguised as humanitarian decisions.
A terminally ill patient should have the right to assisted suicide. This country is so :censored2:ed up they deny that also.


Well-Known Member
If that’s what they want

States rights, if the people don’t want it because they feel the elected representative doesn’t represent them, they can vote them out, or not. This will really put pressure on state and local representatives. No longer can they hide behind Roe v. Wade. I don’t understand why people want a federal government involved.
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Box Ox

Well-Known Member
A terminally ill patient should have the right to assisted suicide. This country is so :censored2:ed up they deny that also.

I agree. But it probably is important for both sides to recognize the difference between an unborn baby and a terminally ill adult who's on the way out either way making their own choice.