1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member

That would likely get shot down by a Federal judge long before it reaches the Supreme Court. And could extend to other areas like if you buy a gun in Illinois and rob a bank in Missouri then the gun dealer can be sued. I doubt the courts would let that can of worms go forward.
They defined "people" or did everyone automatically know what that meant? Because at that time only white males had power. By your definition white males at the time were denying all others their constitutional rights. This is a moot point. It's a states rights issue, not a national one and shouldn't have been made one by Roe v. Wade. We can wish it was illegal everywhere but you aren't going to get it unless you want to go through a civil war over it like slavery. That war was about states rights too.
I honestly think it’s past time to have civil war. Anyone who thinks killing unborn children is okay along with the other sick :censored2: that the left supports are people that I don’t care to share a country with.

There’s no more reasoning or compromise with these sons of bitches, The only thing they’re gonna understand is death. They are a death cult who worship Satan


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Gentlemen you’re all hypocrites, the minute one of your daughters is knocked up by a black or Mexican (which I hope happens) you won’t be able to drive them to the clinic fast enough
Lol, where will they meet those gentlemen? What zip code you live in?
Also I should say it never ceases to amaze me every time the abortion issue comes up that’s it’s almost never discussed that no one is being forced to get pregnant. How about don’t have sex then? if you’re so depraved that you would get an abortion if you got pregnant then keep your :censored2:ing legs closed. Incredible you would think these babies were just coming from the stork. Liberals have the minds of a third grader


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
That would likely get shot down by a Federal judge long before it reaches the Supreme Court.
Good. But it’s a conservative goal nonetheless. If you think abortion is immoral, don’t get one. Actively trying to prevent women from getting abortions is the definition of controlling the issue.
Only fair to point out what liberals would do if given the chance.
Ok but I also am not completely down with the modern liberal and progressive orthodoxy. Not centrist, just have a different set of beliefs. I’m on board when it comes to the abortion issue though; the libs are correct about this.


Well-Known Member
Good. But it’s a conservative goal nonetheless. If you think abortion is immoral, don’t get one. Actively trying to prevent women from getting abortions is the definition of controlling the issue.

Ok but I also am not completely down with the modern liberal and progressive orthodoxy. Not centrist, just have a different set of beliefs. I’m on board when it comes to the abortion issue though; the libs are correct about this.
Yes, I want to use a whole lot of government force to control the issue.

I do believe in stopping murder with force.
and just like that we switched from forced vaccinations to my body my decision
Just follow the money.

99.999999999% of abortions are done because lazy pieces of :censored2:e don’t want to raise the child they consciously made. You know it’s a possibility if you have sex you learn that in 5th grade

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"

Psalm 139:13-16​

Chapter Parallel Compare
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
forced birth? Lmao! Yeah so why not just murder whoever the eff we feel like is inferior because it’s convenient? Where did this license to kill come from ?
What the outage over this court leak shows me is that this deplorable and satanic practice of abortion, much like slavery, has gone on for so long that people don’t even comprehend how sick and wrong it is. Even a rat doesn’t kill it’s own offspring


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It took a long time to give the decision back to the states. Thanks Obama, your legacy got all these judges appointed.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Nope. False. I don’t want to interfere with women’s body autonomy, specifically forcing unwilling women and girls to give birth to unwanted babies.
Oh you don't YET you want to make the rules that dictate exactly what you are against?
What do you consider an, "unwilling woman",? Your liberal ,"I refuse to be held accountable for my actions and/or behavior is exactly why the America, that once was, is no longer.
My best argument against abortion are the five children that I have. Absolute miracles from God. I can’t imagine life without them.


Month Three of Pregnancy
By the end of the third month of pregnancy, your baby is fully formed. Your baby has arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes and can open and close its fists and mouth. Fingernails and toenails are beginning to develop and the external ears are formed. The beginnings of teeth are forming.

This literally brings me to tears. A TOTALLY innocent, and defenseless HUMAN LIFE, can be cut up and discarded like trash. Scull crushed, limbs torn off, DOCUMENTED SCREAMS !!!!?????
It's too much for me to handle.

Stated by our devout Catholic President:

"I believe that a woman’s right to choose is fundamental, Roe has been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned," Biden said.

The president also pointed to Texas, its SB-8 law and others "restricting women's reproductive rights."

"I directed my Gender Policy Council and White House Counsel’s Office to prepare options for an Administration response to the continued attack on abortion and reproductive rights, under a variety of possible outcomes in the cases pending before the Supreme Court," Biden said. "We will be ready when any ruling is issued."

Biden added that if the Supreme Court "does overturn Roe, it will fall on our nation’s elected officials at all levels of government to protect a woman’s right to choose."

Quoting the absolute worst potus can't bolster anyone's argument. He is an absolute POS bag of dust. Just ask the Ukrainians.

Only protecting a woman's right to choose?

No rights for the pregnant men?

She made the choice when she sacked down with some worthless POS. Personal responsibility should also be conveyed to the person she chose to conceive, as in the future human being.
IMO a potential human being is to be preserved in the same manner as one that is suffering from being alive and having to deal with our liberal society.

I want to force God’s morality on others. I will always do everything I can possibly to insert my religious beliefs into the public sphere, as much as possible.

Well .......honestly........that ain't helping . You don't need to "insert" your religious beliefs into any conversation IF you wish to be thought of as a clear thinker. Just my own opinion.

that is also abortion

Get better. MUCH better.

That’s why all good Christian girls should just swallow
HaHaHa -sorry .NOT funny.
Raped women don’t always have access to a morning after pill

Oh please! STOP with the "RAPE" BS. Your argument ,when using, "rape", "incest" ,and so on is so incredibly feeble. You couldn't fog a mirror in MA in February. SO lame and weak.

At least now I know better than to take you seriously

Why is it that a drunk driver, that kills a pregnant woman in a crash he caused, is responsible for double homicide?
Never mind. You can't answer that.

It doesn’t occur to you a woman can be kidnapped, or be a young teenager raped at home by a family member with no recourse?

Can you pleASE use some genius grammar? Your posts are like a frigging Rubik cube!
Tell you what Mr. Awfully weak argument maker, I'll give you ALL the rape and incest pregnancies. You give America the rest. You good with that?

Dems are excited. They think this is their ticket to midterm victory.

I just laughed my ass off. I hope I can find it and put it back on.

Even as big of a turd as Biden is, it should be


The baby is the same entity at 40 weeks as he or she is at 4 days.


Why? States can still allow the execution of babies. Kill at will!

The States that are pro abortion deserve what they get.

Contraception is next. We are going to make you suffer the greatest consequences of conjugal love, the miracle of children and child birth.

Gentlemen you’re all hypocrites, the minute one of your daughters is knocked up by a black or Mexican (which I hope happens) you won’t be able to drive them to the clinic fast enough

You keep it up cowboy. Your intellect is really kicking serous booty.

Legal abortion allows women, and men, to live a lifestyle that was never intended for us. Sometimes it's necessary though. A young girl gets impregnated by a relative for example. A woman who'll likely die if she gives birth.

How big is your BLM yard flag?

The problem with abortion is you can't define when life begins, obviously everybody has different opinions on it, what you can't argue is liberals want to be able to do abortion at any weeks, Mississippi said we don't want it after 15 weeks and some said 6 weeks, nor does overturning roe vs wade stop anyone from getting an abortion it just throws it back to the states, and in my opinion if the 2nd amendment can be regulated by states so can abortion, even though nowhere in the constitution do you have the right to kill a baby and if people actually saw the procedure and the fetis on the table afterwards in some of these cases they would change their minds, just my thoughts

Does not matter . POTENTIAL human life is ALWAYS worth preserving.
The idea that this is unacceptable is a by product of how we have become so depraved as a society. Why is it so WRONG to protect the potential human beings? These are creations that CANNOT speak for, or protect , themselves! These are the absolute LEAST represented creatures upon Earth! We strive to protect whales, abused dogs and puppies, polar bears and any number of other Earth creatures YET we demand, "individual freedom". to destroy OTHER PEOPLE????

Neither of those should be regulated by the states, they are both individual freedoms.

You Mean freedom to commit genocide against totally helpless humans?? Is THAT what you mean?

Yes. And other people’s children too.