1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Oh you don't YET you want to make the rules that dictate exactly what you are against?
What do you consider an, "unwilling woman",? Your liberal ,"I refuse to be held accountable for my actions and/or behavior is exactly why the America, that once was, is no longer.


This literally brings me to tears. A TOTALLY innocent, and defenseless HUMAN LIFE, can be cut up and discarded like trash. Scull crushed, limbs torn off, DOCUMENTED SCREAMS !!!!?????
It's too much for me to handle.

Quoting the absolute worst potus can't bolster anyone's argument. He is an absolute POS bag of dust. Just ask the Ukrainians.

She made the choice when she sacked down with some worthless POS. Personal responsibility should also be conveyed to the person she chose to conceive, as in the future human being.
IMO a potential human being is to be preserved in the same manner as one that is suffering from being alive and having to deal with our liberal society.

Well .......honestly........that ain't helping . You don't need to "insert" your religious beliefs into any conversation IF you wish to be thought of as a clear thinker. Just my own opinion.

Get better. MUCH better.

HaHaHa -sorry .NOT funny.

Oh please! STOP with the "RAPE" BS. Your argument ,when using, "rape", "incest" ,and so on is so incredibly feeble. You couldn't fog a mirror in MA in February. SO lame and weak.

Why is it that a drunk driver, that kills a pregnant woman in a crash he caused, is responsible for double homicide?
Never mind. You can't answer that.

Can you pleASE use some genius grammar? Your posts are like a frigging Rubik cube!
Tell you what Mr. Awfully weak argument maker, I'll give you ALL the rape and incest pregnancies. You give America the rest. You good with that?

I just laughed my ass off. I hope I can find it and put it back on.



The States that are pro abortion deserve what they get.

You keep it up cowboy. Your intellect is really kicking serous booty.

How big is your BLM yard flag?

Does not matter . POTENTIAL human life is ALWAYS worth preserving.
The idea that this is unacceptable is a by product of how we have become so depraved as a society. Why is it so WRONG to protect the potential human beings? These are creations that CANNOT speak for, or protect , themselves! These are the absolute LEAST represented creatures upon Earth! We strive to protect whales, abused dogs and puppies, polar bears and any number of other Earth creatures YET we demand, "individual freedom". to destroy OTHER PEOPLE????

You Mean freedom to commit genocide against totally helpless humans?? Is THAT what you mean?
I bet this took you a long time


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
The parameters are already set, different times for different reasons. I’ll leave the morality of it up to women and their doctors. Their decision not mine.

Using the “Whoopi” principle (My Doctor, MYSELF and “My child”).. Oh .. never mind.

Two out of three ain’t bad...🤪


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
What right to choose should the baby have?

Once a baby is involved you are not "choosing", you are murdering.



Strength through joy
Two things that I have noticed;
Suddenly nobody is talking about Hunter's laptop anymore.
And what is wrong with traveling out-of-state for medical care ?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Suddenly nobody is talking about Hunter's laptop anymore.

Soros and I thought the news of the first and only Supreme Court draft ruling leak, which says the Roe v Wade ruling is going bye bye in a culmination of nearly 50 years of constant controversy might get people to stop talking about Hunter's laptop! Muahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Checkmate, Republicans!


Well-Known Member
Good. But it’s a conservative goal nonetheless. If you think abortion is immoral, don’t get one. Actively trying to prevent women from getting abortions is the definition of controlling the issue.

Ok but I also am not completely down with the modern liberal and progressive orthodoxy. Not centrist, just have a different set of beliefs. I’m on board when it comes to the abortion issue though; the libs are correct about this.
60,000,000+ babies and counting.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
What right to choose should the baby have?

Once a baby is involved you are not "choosing", you are murdering.


Exactly! Just look at that face and tell me it's ok to put a knife through it, cut it into pieces and suck it through a vacuum as if it is lint.
I look at that photo and see God's miracle. I look at all children the same way. How in the world , weather you believe in god or not, can you not see the joy and innocence in a babies expression. No lie, this type of photo can bring me to tears for many minutes and it's too much to take.
Liberals HATE being faced with the reality of these types of pictures AND its something they ALWAYS avoid, OR , say it's unfair. It's yet another example how liberals cannot handle the truth. Just WATCH how the sound of crickets resound in the face of your post. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, with a clear conscience, can look at this gorgeous child and not say that aborting it should have been an option.
I'm so damn sad and troubled about the number of abortions that have killed so many children. It makes Putin look like the pied piper.


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Just WATCH how the sound of crickets resound in the face of your post.
Still here. Third trimester abortions are, to borrow a phrase, an infinitely small percentage. Not on my conscience anyway. It’s a woman’s choice.
I'm so damn sad and troubled about the number of abortions that have killed so many children.
No you’re not. You don’t care. You’re just bothered by other people having sex.
Still here. Third trimester abortions are, to borrow a phrase, an infinitely small percentage. Not on my conscience anyway. It’s a woman’s choice.

No you’re not. You don’t care. You’re just bothered by other people having sex.
If you’re using abortion as a form of contraception you shouldn’t be. Doesn’t matter what trimester it is. It’s murder for hire regardless


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Woman's choice? What if the baby is female? What about her choice?
The pregnant woman’s choice.

Sorry, fetus gets no say. Kinda like how a woman can ruin her kid’s life by smoking crack or drinking during pregnancy. Fetus gets no say in that either.
It’s time for a national divorce. If one side is this committed to murdering babies and raping children they can’t be reasoned with sorry there’s no solution to this


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Pro choice. Anti abortion/ murder
Heart beats after 5 weeks from conception.
Feels pain after 12 weeks.
In 73 the science wasn’t there. The ruling is wrong now because it is dated and a national law.
Roe/Wade is history. The states will rule. The left hate things that are according to the Constitution.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Soros and I thought the news of the first and only Supreme Court draft ruling leak, which says the Roe v Wade ruling is going bye bye in a culmination of nearly 50 years of constant controversy might get people to stop talking about Hunter's laptop! Muahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Checkmate, Republicans!
this leak was carefully organized . As soon as politico ran it , pundits on the MSM channels already had their talking points. Protestors showeed up immediately with professionally designed protest signs. The danger may be that this case has woken up the sleeping giants. The liberal professional female voters and mainstream female voters.

the politics of abortion constantly swings to extremist arguments.

If the libs had kept abortions at a DNC cleaning up to two months most of the US would have been fine but at some point the libs had to push the envelope and try to take it up to 9 months.

If the conservative side could figure out a time when medical science can still preserve a life and make that their line in the sand then i think the public would be behind them.

instead mississippi tried to take it down to 15 weeks and then took a case to the supreme court. There are good arguments for taking it down to 15 weeks with heartbeat and pain as two of them but at this point medical science has not been able to save a life that young.

I am horrified by the thought of killing a baby with a heartbeat but at some point we have to find a happy medium and move on from this issue. If you believe in a god and a judgement day then at some point you give the best advice you can to whomever faces that decision and you let god decide whether that person made the right decision.

pushing this down to the states is going to change the ball game and take it into an endless stream of extra innings.

I've been arguing my body my choice on the vaccine nonsense for the last two years, I'd be a hypocrite if i tried to force a woman to do something against her will.
But...But I have an obligation to remind everyone that the deciision to abort involves the life of another.
i have an obligation to remind everyone that once we are comfortable with aborting that life there is nothing stopping us from next taking the life of others for other reasons disguised as humanitarian decisions.


Bad Moon Risen'
"Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn't want to :censored2: in the first place?"
George Carlin