1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Staff member
Clarence Thomas arrives at hating substantive due process through an originalist perspective. But I believe he also views it’s roots as coming from the white supremacists Supreme Courts of slavery and the confederacy. He views it the same way those men read white supremacy into the constitution and dehumanized blacks in their rulings to keep them from equal rights, which was a very political take during a polarized time between abolitionists and slavers.

I could be mistaken I’m still learning about his perspective.
Weren’t both opinions based on the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment? I don’t understand why it’s “legislating from the bench” to say all Americans deserve to be treated equally as far as the law is concerned.


Well-Known Member
We used to have an agrarian society. And people had large families. Where do you think farmers put their kids? Out in the fields, in the barn, wherever needed. Before sunrise until sundown. Grow up.
I'm surprised Tex that you're not familiar with the nation's first major child labor legislation. The Fair Labor Standards Act . It was passed in the year in which you're currently living.....1938.


Well-Known Member
And limited to 8 grades of education. And you call that societal progress? Get into the 21st century Tex. We're already almost a quarter of the way through it.
Who said anything about it being progress. Just pointing out people didn't always rely on the government and many still don't.


Staff member
I had a very good friend who died at 52 from cancer. He and his wife adopted two brothers ages 12 and 10. How do you know who adopts and who doesn't?
Because anti-abortion folks always put their time and money behind fighting abortion rather than propping up adoption.


Retired 23 years
Because anti-abortion folks always put their time and money behind fighting abortion rather than propping up adoption.
I'm not saying nobody adopts---I'm say there aren't enough people waiting in the wings to adopt all the unwanted babies that would be born if abortion is made totally illegal.


Well-Known Member
On what stats do you base that? I've known several Christian couples who adopted children.
And by your own admission you're basing it all on your acquaintance with a very small number of so called "Christians" Today being a "Christian" is nothing more than a fraternal affiliation. It doesn't stand for anything. It's along the same level as the Elks, Moose, DAR and that freak show known as the Free Masons. And what do they all have in common? An ongoing struggle to retain membership.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying nobody adopts---I'm say there aren't enough people waiting in the wings to adopt all the unwanted babies that would be born if abortion is made totally illegal.
Future numbers will answer that question. In the meantime there's only one thing to do. Hope for the best...but plan for the worst. Set extra public funds aside to help children and youth services in case the worst happens.