1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
lets theorize burrheads wife is pregnant and shes too sick to work bc of pregnancy by unknown BC member. how much and how long will the govt support her sickness while pregnant?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
One thing that is NOT a "story" is the fact that you were on death's doorstep when they brought you into the ER. If not then you wouldn't have been there. Now if you now find yourself embarrassed or resentful of the fact that you had to swallow your pride and turn to the social program born out of the legislation created by those evil liberals to pay the cost of repairing your heart then why didn't you simply buy health insurance? Not doing so leaving you in that precarious healthcare cost position was a choice you freely made. And isn't freedom what you "conservatives" are always espousing. ?
I didn't turn to anything. They offered. Not the same thing now is it? And guess what? We all die at some point. You won't cheat death no matter how much healthcare you have. I fully expect to be gone within 20 years. And will spend most of it overseas or out in the desert in the U.S. where if I have a heart attack or stroke I'm toast. Que sara sara.


Well-Known Member
Do you know how many kids are in foster care right now in this nation? 410,000 They at one time were infants too so why weren't they adopted? What were the reasons? So don't try to tell me this BS about them all being adopted because if they were they wouldn't be 410,000 of them in foster care.
Are you under the impression they were all put into foster care from the get go as infants? Are you really that stupid? In case you don't know, which is very likely, many if not most foster children are being looked after by the state until their parent is in a condition where they can get their parental rights back and then their children. Sometimes they don't.


Well-Known Member
One little issue with that. The colonies kicked the Church of England and it's king clean out of the country in 1781. If you want a theocracy run by a bunch of unelected clergy using an old piece of ancient text that will support any point of view they want it to then there are no shortage of places on this planet you can move to.
You're very uninformed. The Church of England is better known these days as the Anglican Church in England and the Episcopalian or Episcopal Church in the U.S. It was never kicked out of the U.S.


Well-Known Member
You're very uninformed. The Church of England is better known these days as the Anglican Church in England and the Episcopalian or Episcopal Church in the U.S. It was never kicked out of the U.S.
Renamed and reimaged . Just like Roadway package System is now Fedex Ground. Yellow Freight is now YRC. COE is now Episcopal . Same thing It's just that that they don't run the country.


Well-Known Member
Renamed and reimaged . Just like Roadway package System is now Fedex Ground. Yellow Freight is now YRC. COE is now Episcopal . Same thing It's just that that they don't run the country.
The Church of England didn't run the colonies either. Where the hell did you get that idea?


Retired 23 years
The emphasis and funding should be for abstinence, not contraception. Abstinence will not only protect from getting pregnant but also keep our young folks healthy. We need to get back to a godly society and quit all the filth.
This is kind of the wrong place to be thumping a bible. :-)


Well-Known Member
Are you under the impression they were all put into foster care from the get go as infants? Are you really that stupid? In case you don't know, which is very likely, many if not most foster children are being looked after by the state until their parent is in a condition where they can get their parental rights back and then their children. Sometimes they don't.
I never said that. But this absurd claim that all babies are immediately adopted by Republican Evangelicals as Wilbur claims is something nobody is buying except you, him and perhaps a couple others if you're lucky.


Retired 23 years
lets theorize burrheads wife is pregnant and shes too sick to work bc of pregnancy by unknown BC member. how much and how long will the govt support her sickness while pregnant?
Not to worry---apparently there are many on here who would adopt the bastard.


Well-Known Member
There isn’t. That is Clarence Thomas’s take on substantive due process and it is a reasonable one. The man finds laws regarding these matters dumb and out of purview of the court. The Supreme Court only deals in matters of the constitution, substantive due process has been used to turn it into a legislative body basically.

It was the left who politicized the Supreme Court on these issues, now they are upset that process is being undone and the court is doing what it was originally intended to do. These issues should be taken up by the state and federal legislators then approved by the executive branch.
And Trump did not politicize the court when campaigning for president he promised SCOTUS appointees who would overturn both Roe and the ACA? It's how it got him enough electoral college votes to become president? Let's see you try to answer that one.


Well-Known Member
I never said that. But this absurd claim that all babies are immediately adopted by Republican Evangelicals as Wilbur claims is something nobody is buying except you, him and perhaps a couple others if you're lucky.
I never said they were but if a child is adoptable he is much more likely to get adopted as an infant. But you've got things mixed up. Babies whose parent goes to prison or is deemed unfit don't automatically get put up for adoption. Children in that situation go into foster care unless a parent gives up their parental rights and puts them up for adoption. Or a court flat out takes them away and they go into foster care until adopted if ever. Or a mother who's not able to take care of her child puts it up for adoption. You seem to think any pregnant woman who is in financial need should just go ahead and kill her baby.


Well-Known Member
Were the colonists not the "subjects" of the king.?
Do you remember the Pilgrims? Left England in search of religious freedom. Not everyone in the colonies was a member of the Church of England. And people came from other countries and brought their beliefs with them. Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Baptists, etc.


Well-Known Member
I never said they were but if a child is adoptable he is much more likely to get adopted as an infant. But you've got things mixed up. Babies whose parent goes to prison or is deemed unfit don't automatically get put up for adoption. Children in that situation go into foster care unless a parent gives up their parental rights and puts them up for adoption. Or a court flat out takes them away and they go into foster care until adopted if ever. Or a mother who's not able to take care of her child puts it up for adoption. You seem to think any pregnant woman who is in financial need should just go ahead and kill her baby.
or the kids are starving and change houses all the time. and when theyre 12 they start selling drugs. and then the cops arrest them, and make them sign a confession for a crime they didnt commit. and they rot in jail for next 20 years and are charged as adults.


Well-Known Member
or the kids are starving and change houses all the time. and when theyre 12 they start selling drugs. and then the cops arrest them, and make them sign a confession for a crime they didnt commit. and they rot in jail for next 20 years and are charged as adults.
Yeah because our prisons are full of 12 year olds.