1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.

El Correcto

god is dead
Wow, 4 thousand dollars. They would have saved a lot of money by handing out condoms.
Condoms break and it’s not a rare thing for some men. I’ve broken probably around 10% of the condom I’ve used. I like coconut oil though, smells like coconuts :).

El Correcto

god is dead
Common sense laws, just like guns. You dont need to go back to laws from the 1800s, we dont need to go back to the dark ages.
Noone should have to bear their rapist's child, that will destroy families and could even lead to suicide, so now they're both dead.
They will try to make prolife a nationwide law after nov.
McCarthy specifically told CNN that he would back a 15-week nationwide abortion ban.
^ I would much prefer to accept this over banning something as extreme as the morning after pill.

Same with guns, no you dont need to bring back bump stocks.
Common Sense.
Well there are some stupid Christians out there that believe women should bear their rapist’s child. They will cause a lot of blow back on the right. There are more people support unlimited unregulated abortion than there are people who support 0 abortion ever.


Well-Known Member
What's the real issue?.....Empty pews. Empty pews generate no revenue. Paying the light, heat and AC bills month after month just for empty pews only goes on for a little while.

Going out and trying to sign a UFAS (unrestricted free agent sinner) is a highly competitive and costly undertaking. As a UFAS I've received a number of impressive offers from numerous religious enterprises. I decided instead that I didn't want to place myself under the control of one of them despite several offers that met my demands.

Now the Evangelicals decided to pursue a lower cost alternative. They go out and grab up as many adoptions as their budgets will allow to fill up their pews. The goal is for their religion based brainwashing and mind control to be impactful enough that it will remain effective as deep into adulthood as possible in the expectation that once the individual reaches adulthood they will become a key revenue source.

it's all about money, one way or another.
Certainly with you everything is about money.


Retired 23 years
How many pro lifers are also pro gun, pro war, pro capital punishment, anti welfare and oppose paid family leave? Pretty much all of them.
Me---except the pro war thing. If the US would learn how to fight a war like they did in WWI and WWII maybe I would change my mind but not the way they screw around today.


Well-Known Member
So now here you go trying to create an unsupported balance so you can walk it all back. Racism, segregation and prejudice is the cornerstone of many of America's religious denominations fundamentals and doctrine.

In my home town there is this very impressive major denomination church with it's cut stone and opulent construction. This is where the white Christian's of that denomination went. At the back of the lot of that very same surveyed property stood the small humble wood and clapboard construction church. That is where the black Christian's of the very same denomination went to church. The people of that black church all died or moved away and the building essentially abandoned. Now the white holy rollers out front demanded that the black people's church be torn down in an effort to erase it from it's memory, land and history. Well,, some of the members of the black church came back to town long enough to demolish the building and in doing so erasing a very ugly piece of the town's history and washing away the matter from the memories of the white holy rollers. This was not an isolated one off event. Just up the river and at the other end of the county the same thing happened.
I've attended congregations made up of several races. You have a monolithic view of all Christians.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the question is why.
Why do you believe abortion is morally wrong in most cases?
I think it is morally wrong to kill the aged that cannot survive on their own as well.
What do the aged in hospitals or care facilities have in common?

Both have distinctive DNA, both have their own organs, their own identifying fingerprints, both rely on a host or some other human to supply needs of life in some sort.

In criminal cases, cases of paternity and identification of living and deceased humans DNA, and fingerprints are two means that may be used to identify a human, they are distinctive.

I'm not sure if you think it is moral to take a human life, self-sufficient or not.

I do not.


I'm a star


I'm a star
I’m just curious what the argument would be for revisiting all these privacy law cases like Lawrence v Texas as the left says.
What separates Roe from say Griswold, Baird, Lawrence, Oswald from a legal perspective.
The hop from contraceptives to straight up sexual activity seems weird to me like what is found in Lawrence fighting off sodomy laws.

It would be nice to get the TLDR update what exactly the court ruled on to overturn Roe and if that precedent could be used against all these old privacy rulings as Clarence Thomas suggested, and why they should/shouldn’t be from a non hysterical leftist or religious perspective.

The decision in Dobbs v Jackson explicitly states several times that this decision does not affect other privacy cases due to the fact that this situation involves the ending of a life. I had to read a highlighted version of the 200+ page decision, so there may be something I missed.