1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
To a woman who has had an abortion, the Christian approach is very simple. Radical honesty.

The bad news is that you're a murderer who deserves punishment and is headed for hell. The good news is that forgiveness is available and so is total welcome.


Well-Known Member
And simply because don't know of any in your narrow little world then obviously in your minds eye there are none. LMFAO.
No, there basically are none. Adoptions cost 20k-40k, and require income well above the limits for any of those programs.

You really have no idea what you're talking about.
Adoption is largely an upper middle class thing.


Well-Known Member
I've had to teach this dude what foster care is, and that adoption is expensive and has income limits. Nobody is adopting children and receiving WIC or SNAP.

It's nonsense. The dude is so ignorant, I'm only interacting with him to teach onlookers.


Inordinately Right
In my younger days I spent more pew time than you likely ever will in your entire life. But, I'm glad I'm out. I could no longer look away from the constant infighting mostly over the question of which church member should be subjected to the church's strict discipline and who got off. The difference? Money and who gave the most. That along with the constant battle for power . Watching them go proudly into the church carrying their bibles in their hands on a Sunday morning after seeing what they were doing outside the church and who they slept with the night before.

In fact one day I delivered to the district office of a major evangelical denomination. The entry level preachers had gathered around the table studying, maps spread sheets and other data. One pointed to apiece of data and a map and said...."we need to target this market". You see Bud, today's organized religion is just another economic enterprise. It's not about the human condition. It's about market share and revenues. Putting butts in the seats and dollars out of their pockets. And if you don't know that then you're just the kind of clueless person they target.

As for your single hypothetical example regarding a naked baby. Multiply that by many many thousands of times and you've got real life as it pertains to a growing segment of modern day America. And has numerous charities have pointed out growth in the request for charitable services continues to climb as their struggle to keep up continues to increase. If churches in your opinion can solve the problem we wouldn't need publicly funded children and youth services....Trouble is there's no sign of that ever happen anytime in the foreseeable future.
Geezus, all of your crying in this thread is rooted in your butthurt about your childhood. Waaaaahh I had to go to church Waaaaahh.

Grow up.


Well-Known Member
They're all pro-life.

I recognize the existence of hoes, and that all of them can be forgiven of their hoeness.

Women who have murdered their children are murderers. And can become my sister and receive total forgiveness.

Massive judgmentalism is Christian. And so is the massive offer of hope and forgiveness.
So now here you go trying to create an unsupported balance so you can walk it all back. Racism, segregation and prejudice is the cornerstone of many of America's religious denominations fundamentals and doctrine.

In my home town there is this very impressive major denomination church with it's cut stone and opulent construction. This is where the white Christian's of that denomination went. At the back of the lot of that very same surveyed property stood the small humble wood and clapboard construction church. That is where the black Christian's of the very same denomination went to church. The people of that black church all died or moved away and the building essentially abandoned. Now the white holy rollers out front demanded that the black people's church be torn down in an effort to erase it from it's memory, land and history. Well,, some of the members of the black church came back to town long enough to demolish the building and in doing so erasing a very ugly piece of the town's history and washing away the matter from the memories of the white holy rollers. This was not an isolated one off event. Just up the river and at the other end of the county the same thing happened.


Well-Known Member
So now here you go trying to create an unsupported balance so you can walk it all back. Racism, segregation and prejudice is the cornerstone of many of America's religious denominations fundamentals and doctrine.

In my home town there is this very impressive major denomination church with it's cut stone and opulent construction. This is where the white Christian's of that denomination went. At the back of the lot of that very same surveyed property stood the small humble wood and clapboard construction church. That is where the black Christian's of the very same denomination went to church. The people of that black church all died or moved away and the building essentially abandoned. Now the white holy rollers out front demanded that the black people's church be torn down in an effort to erase it from it's memory, land and history. Well,, some of the members of the black church came back to town long enough to demolish the building and in doing so erasing a very ugly piece of the town's history and washing away the matter from the memories of the white holy rollers. This was not an isolated one off event. Just up the river and at the other end of the county the same thing happened.
Is there a point you are working towards?


Inordinately Right
In my home town there is this very impressive major denomination church with it's cut stone and opulent construction. This is where the white Christian's of that denomination went. At the back of the lot of that very same surveyed property stood the small humble wood and clapboard construction church. That is where the black Christian's of the very same denomination went to church. The people of that black church all died or moved away and the building essentially abandoned. Now the white holy rollers out front demanded that the black people's church be torn down in an effort to erase it from it's memory, land and history. Well,, some of the members of the black church came back to town long enough to demolish the building and in doing so erasing a very ugly piece of the town's history and washing away the matter from the memories of the white holy rollers. This was not an isolated one off event. Just up the river and at the other end of the county the same thing happened.
So to sum up your rambling story:
An old building no one was using was torn down.
Therefore, racism.

Lol, fascinating!

Gotta Go

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Common sense laws, just like guns. You dont need to go back to laws from the 1800s, we dont need to go back to the dark ages.
Noone should have to bear their rapist's child, that will destroy families and could even lead to suicide, so now they're both dead.
They will try to make prolife a nationwide law after nov.
McCarthy specifically told CNN that he would back a 15-week nationwide abortion ban.
^ I would much prefer to accept this over banning something as extreme as the morning after pill.

Same with guns, no you dont need to bring back bump stocks.
Common Sense.