"It seems to me the "young-uns" don't really give a S#$% about good service."
I agree! But they get that attitude from the management team.
Think about it. Some young kid just starting, doesn't know how it used to be. All he sees is the management team running around with their noses buried in daily reports. It would seem that service means nothing. It's all about the numbers....
Some of you will say we've always had reports. Well, we've always had the daily OR. Now there is an amazing number of daily reports. Can we name them all?
1. The OR.
2. Late air.
3. SSI accounts not delivered on time.
4. P/Us not made in window.
There's more. But there's no report for "good service". No one cares anymore.
I agree we do have a lot of reports. Probably too many. But why would you ever want to stop generating a report that tells you how many late airs you had?